Chapter 1 : Meeting under the moon

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The streets of Paris were strangely quiet that morning, June 14, 1940. Pierre had always been accustomed to the noise of the city, the hubbub of cars and the tumult of hurried passers-by. But today there was an oppressive silence that enveloped the city, as if even the noises of everyday life were holding their breath, anticipating the unthinkable.

Pierre was a young Frenchman, full of courage and determination. But as he wandered through the almost empty streets of Paris, he felt a heaviness in the air, an omen of what was to come.

He had gotten up early that morning to run errands for his family. His mother needed provisions for the coming week, and Pierre had promised to take care of them. But as he walked with a hurried step towards the market, he could not help feeling a growing anxiety.

Arriving at the market, he was greeted by empty stalls and anxious traders. The shelves that were once filled with fresh products were now almost bare, witnesses of the ravages of the impending war. Pierre tried to keep calm, but his mind was elsewhere, haunted by the news of the advance of the German forces.

As he was standing in line at the checkout, he noticed a young woman behind the counter. Her blue eyes were suffused with a glimmer of nervousness, but her smile was warm and welcoming. Maybe she was a little younger than him, with golden locks that framed her face.

- Hello, sir, she said in a soft voice, trying to hide her own discomfort. How can I help you today?

Pierre returned her a shy smile, grateful for the unexpected sweetness in this troubled world. Hello, he replied. I would like to buy these few provisions, please.

She began to scan the items, but her hands were shaking slightly. Pierre could see that she was nervous, as if she feared what was about to happen. He wanted to tell her that everything would be fine, that they would go through this ordeal together, but he knew that it would be a lie.

Instead, he simply gave her an encouraging look. You know, we are stronger than we think, he says softly. We will get over this, I promise you that.

She looked at him, surprised by the wisdom and compassion in his words. Then, she returned her smile, her blue eyes shining with a glimmer of hope. Thank you, she whispered. It's nice of you to say that.

Pierre paid for his groceries and took the bags, feeling a fragile but comforting bond forming between them, two strangers united by the tragedy that was unfolding around them.

As he left the market, he felt a shiver. A threatening presence seemed to hover in the streets, as if the city walls themselves were whispering silent warnings. Pierre accelerated his pace, in a hurry to return home to his family.

But when he arrived at her door, her heart clenched with fright. The door was wide open, and there were obvious signs of a struggle inside. Without thinking, he rushed inside, calling the names of his mother and siblings.

Silence answered him, a deafening silence that seemed to fill the house with its icy echo. Peter walked around each room, frantically looking for signs of his beloved family. But he found only chaos and desolation, overturned furniture and broken objects.

And then, he saw them. A torn photograph on the floor, a once happy image of his smiling family, now soiled by the brutal tear that ran through it. Pierre felt a muffled cry rise in his throat as he realized what had happened.

His family had been kidnapped by the Nazis.

Rage and despair mingled in him, a storm of heartbreaking feelings that threatened to overwhelm him. But in the midst of all this pain, a single thought shone like a beacon in the dark night of his mind.

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