Chapter 3 : Birth of a Love

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The days and weeks followed one another, taking with them the vestiges of distrust that remained between Stefan and Pierre. Their meetings became more frequent, more intimate, and more indispensable. Each appointment was an escape, a brief moment of freedom in a world crushed by war.

One evening, when the moon was particularly bright, they found themselves in an abandoned garden, hidden behind an old church. The stone walls, covered with ivy, seemed to protect their secret.

— This place is perfect, whispered Pierre as he sat down on an old wooden bench.

Stefan nodded, his eyes exploring the place before settling on Pierre.

— It's as if time has stopped here, he said softly. As if the war had never touched this place.

Pierre nodded, feeling the weight of Stefan's words. They sat in silence for a while, listening to the sounds of the night, the chirping of crickets and the blowing of the wind.

— Stefan, Pierre began after a long silence, what prompted you to come to Paris? Why are you here?

Stefan sighed, knowing that this question would eventually come up.

— I had no choice, he replied. I was assigned here by my superior. At first I thought it was an opportunity to serve my country, but now... now I'm not sure about anything anymore.

Pierre looked at him carefully, reading the confusion and pain in his eyes.

- And you, Pierre? Why did you choose to join the resistance?

Pierre smiled sadly.

— Because I couldn't sit idly by while my country was invaded, he says. Because I have seen friends die, families be separated and above all my family has been kidnapped. I wanted to do something, no matter the price.

Their eyes met, each looking for a kind of comfort in the other's eyes, a validation of their choices.

The following nights were filled with similar discussions, each one deeper than the others the winter had enveloped Paris in a coat of white snow, transforming the city into a magical landscape. The streets, usually dark and oppressive under the occupation, seemed soothed by this immaculate cover. But despite this appearance of tranquility, the dangers remained omnipresent for Stefan and Pierre,

They found each other more and more often, using every stolen moment to strengthen their bond. Each meeting was a dance on the razor's edge, a mixture of passion and fear. But the beauty of their relationship lay precisely in this fragile balance.

The next night, while Paris was covered with a coat of sparkling snow after having escaped prying eyes, Pierre went to the abandoned cafe, lost in the meanders of an old district of Paris where he knew that Stefan was waiting for him. The windows were partially covered with frost, and the air was frosty and every step on the fresh snow produced a slight screech. He opened the door of the old cafe carefully and entered, shaking himself slightly to remove the snow from his coat.

Stefan was already there, sitting at a table, a warm smile lighting up his face when he saw Pierre enter.

- Good evening, whispered Pierre, closing the door behind him.

— Good evening, Pierre, Stefan replied, getting up to greet him. It's really cold tonight, but the snow makes Paris beautiful.

Pierre smiled and nodded. He took off his coat and sat down at the table opposite Stefan.

— Yes, the snow gives this city an almost magical air, as if the war was far from here, he said, looking out the window, admiring the snowflakes dancing in the light of the street lamps.

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