| Enemies | J.M

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I'm just now realizing that so many people hate the 90s lord of the flies. I honestly really liked it. it just wasn't accurate to the book.

Jack x reader (this happens before be plan crash)

Y/n's pov
I was running down the hall of my very large private boarding school. I was going to be late for my English class. I've being going to boarding school since i turned 14. I was always a troubled kid growing up. But my parents had enough of me when I reached my teenage years so they sent me to boarding school right before i was supposed to start high school. I was honestly really mad at my parents for doing that to me. I haven't really forgave them. I spent a few years here now and I still feel the same as I always did. Nothing about me has changed.

I got to meet a few people who slowly became my friends but that's just about the only good thing that's happened to me while being here. One of the worst things was meeting Jack Merridew. Jack was the biggest jerk I've ever met. He's quite literally a Jack ass. I met him in the halls for the first time back in 9th grade. He was goofing around with his friends and bumped into me. I got mad at him because he refused to apologize. One thing led to another and next thing we were yelling at each other in the middle of the hall way.

Basically since the day I met Jack we never got along. I could never understand why he had friends. Most people say that the reason why Jack and I hate each other so much is because we are so much alike. Which I like to disagree with.

I was currently running up the stairs to try and make it to my English class. It will be the third time this week I've been late. I tuned the corner and ran straight into someone. When i realized who I didn't feel bad at all. "Oh I'm so sorr- oh it's just you" I said looking up towards Jack. "Watch were your going l/n" he said to me. Practically spiting on me. One of my English books were on the ground still and I bent down to pick it up but Jack got it before me. " 'Romeo and Juliet?' What a shitty book" he said reading the title of my English book. "I'm surprised you know how to read merridew" I said snatching my book out of his hand. "Don't act like a brat y/n" "that's coming from you? You're one of the most spoiled kids I know" I replied instantly. Jack was the biggest brat here. "Gosh I could never even imagine living with you!" He said to me. "Good! I'd end my life if I had to ever live with you!" I said to him.
"Even better you'd be better off dead!" I ignored him and walked back to my class. I couldn't stand Jack merridew. I don't understand how anyone could.

We have a school trip together coming up and I was dreading it. Stuck on a plane with Jack? I couldn't do it. Jack was apart of the choir and I was apart of the ballet team. Our school decided to pair our teams up and go on a trip together over seas. I wanted to get that trip over with because I can't imagine being stuck on a plane with him.

Idk why I always used to write cliffhanger type of stuff but whatever. I was literally in love with Jack .which so many people hate but I literally didn't care he was the loml at one point.🙏🙏

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