| Headcanons | J.M

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Jack merridew headcanons !!

~ Jack is the kid everyone's is afraid of

~ December baby

~ only child

~ dad was in the military

~ isn't close with his dad at all but somewhat close with his mom

~ was literally the worst child growing up

~ probably lactose Intolerant

~ hand writing is definitely shit

~ probably enjoys rugby or football (something aggressive because he has a lot of built up anger)

~ not a very good student

~ hates choir but was forced to do it

~ he dad was somewhat abusive

~ after leaving the island he fell into a depression

~ it was hard for him to find love after the island

~ had a pet turtle that he accidentally killed

~ wealthy family background

~hates being alone especially after getting off the island

~ loves the guitar and tries to make his own songs

~ Jack is very ambitious

~ gets into a lot of physical fights at school. He often fights people outside where teachers can't see him but there's been a few times where Jack has fought someone in the cafeteria.

~ surprisingly doesn't really get girls

~ girls don't like Jack Becky his personality but also because most girls don't think he's very good looking

~ it's easier for him to make enemies

~ younger kids want to be him because they think he's cool

~ fav food is definitely pizza or something

~ gets into arguments with teachers a lot

Updated authors note: like I said before I used to be in love with this man. Anyway let me know if u guys want more bc I have lots

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