| Headcanons | ~ S

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Simon headcanons !!

Simons life 👇👇

~ probably used to chew on his shirt

~ if he had kids they would all be named after nature-related things.

~ he probably hated choir but was somewhat good at it

~ sensitive/emotional kid

~ probably reads a lot but doesn't talk about it.

~ mom died when he was a baby, doesn't really remember her

~ has three older sisters

~ he doesn't tan he just burns real bad

~ his dad probably has a garden at home that he never touches. Simon likes all things nature so he's probably the only one in his household that actually takes care of it.

~ got sent to military school for better education/behaviour. he also used to live in a bad neighbourhood and his dad wanted him away from it.

~ middle name is def James

~ loves all animals but mostly reptiles

~ probably used to play soccer when he was younger but didn't like working with other players. now he does swimming and tennis (he's more into individual sports)

~ probably got teased by Jack while being in the choir (not really bullying just teasing)

~ not very talkative. He likes to keep to himself and worry about himself. He doesn't like to get in others business

~ never had too many friends but it never bothered him.

~ wanted to be an environmentalist

~ reads encyclopedias

~ if he made it off the island then he probably wouldn't be able to sleep the same again. (Like he constantly has to take sleeping pills or something)

~ loves sweaters (not like hoodies more like
knitted sweaters)

~ has a fish tank

~ used to bite his pencils

Updated authors notes: I used to make a lot of these and I still do tbh😭 it's weird bc I don't remember ever liking Simon. Anyway let me know if I should post more

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