Chapter 3 ~ Radio Killed the Video Star

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At the Morningstar mansion a small demon moved around the kitchen cooking. Unnoticing a figure behind her until she was picked up and spun around in the air. She let out a silent gasp turning only for her face to light upon seeing Lucifer. She signed to him or tried to as he held her, 'I see your in a good mood, Your Majesty?'

"I told you can call me Luc in private. I couldn't wait to show you! Come on! Hold on tight!" He told her opening a portal as she turned holding on his neck.

She looked around with a smile on her face. He looked down at the blue demon happy to see she enjoying herself. He enjoyed having her in his arms as they flew over the city before landing on a ledge far about the city. Amber looked to him and signed, 'I forget how fun that is!'

"'We can do it more often! Come up here helps! I like coming up here with you.'" He tells and signs to her making the small bluenett to look at him with a blush.

'I'd like that.' She signed to him as the two stood on the cliff as their eye.

The two approached each other as he cupped her cheek the two leaning in. Just as the sound of explosions to go off causing the two to turn to see it was the hotel. As if together saying or mouthing, "'Charlie.'"

She sighed upon seeing the ship signing to him, 'It's sir Pentious... I should go. I finished your breakfast. I didn't get time to do you tea.'

"'It's alright. I'll do it. Let me get you their fast." He told her snapping his finger to open a portal.

She turned to him and signed, 'I'll be back later. Why don't we have a picnic up here?'

"'Go, or I'll start to worry about her more without you their.'" He told her watching her laugh walking into the portal as he closed it.

Lucifer sighed looking to his hand that once held a ring and said looking over the cliff down to the hotel, "I will move forward."

She appeared on the outside of the hotel to see Alastor seeming to drinking up above not bothered. Amber looked to the hip and the demon that wasn't moving grabbing her book to write, 'Alastor! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!'

Not seeing her continues to drink from his red mug that had, 'Oh, deer' written on it. She heard a male voice yelled out from the ship, "Show yourself Alassssstor. Come and face-"

Pentious pauses for a moment when he notices Alastor absent from the freshly made hole as the small demon to sigh. The demon seemed to finally notice him but her was sipping coffee on the balcony of the second floor and yelled, "Oh there you are - Face my wrath!"

"Who are you?" The demon asked confused looking at the air ship.

'Sir Pentious.' Amber wrote to him point the notebook so he could read.

"Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Ssssssir Pentiousssss!" He answered back to tell as if that would ring a bell.

Alastor dissolves into fog as he descends to the ground, materializing aside Amber laying on her head. Just as Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie walked out to watch the zeppelin as he continued to yell, "Inventor, architect of dessstruction, villain extraordinaire!"

Niffty appears on Alastor's right shoulder, clearly starstruck saying with a laugh, "Ooooooh, he's a bad boy~"

He gets off Amber to scoops the small demon up and drops her to the ground and says with a laugh, "Ha, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you."

Sir Pentious then said in disbelief, "I attacked you literally last week."

He cocks his head. Just for the snake demon to continued, "We've done battle, like... 20 times."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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