Chapter 1

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As I pull into the drive way of my new unfurnished home, I am soon met up with the moving truck just outside my house. I reached for my keys and unlocked the front door, then left it wide open and walked to the back of the moving truck. Helping the movers with my endless boxes of possessions. For what seemed life forever every single box was inside.
"Thankyou!" I shout to the movers driving away, waving them off.

I walk into the house and slam the door shut. I lean on it and sigh. I begin to walk through the house, wondering what to make of it. I open a small box on the block-like kitchen counter, by opening the box appeared a photo of a gorgeous women with an adorable baby girl in her arms.
"Look where I am now mum, I made it... On my own" I start to tear up. Balls of liquid at the edges of my eyes just waiting to fall, but I wouldn't let them. I shoved the picture back in and went to the room that was planned to be my lounge room and sit, thinking of what my life has become.

As minutes fly by with out me even noticing I stand up and walk over to a box. I open it and take the mattress from inside of it, I then drag it upstairs. Struggling to get it up I some how did. I lay it down and flop onto it, so comfortable it was like a cloud. So much hard work from moving. I yawn and turn to my side.
"An hour won't hurt" I shut my eyes, feeling light and soft from the mattress.
I then wake up heavily, hearing the birds tweet with joy and harmony.

When you made me something sweet (NaLu AU) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now