Ch 13

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I woke up the next day to her laying in my arms. It was a bittersweet moment the way the light through the curtain landed over her face and her hair glistening from the sunlight. There was a sweet aroma in the air. Pancakes?

I slowly got up trying not to disturb her. But I guess I wasn't careful enough for the next thing I knew my face was looking at hers and she was kissing me.

"Good morning sunshine," she spoke in a low whisper.

"Good morning to you too."

"I smell breakfast, we better show ourselves soon or else he will come in here and pull us out of bed."

Agreeing, we untangled ourselves and made our way to the kitchen. The sweet aroma had been in fact pancakes and coffee brewing nearby. I smiled and waved at Sean grabbing a coffee cup from the hook that was along the edge of a cabinet. I was making my way to sit at the island when Sean spoke.

"So I heard from a birdy you guys had fun last night,"

Rachel looked at me and smiled with a sinister look as if her hand was on my chin again. I shook the craving off and tried not to give into the laughter.

"Rose was a champ," Rachel said walking behind me and leaning in for a kiss on my neck.

Sean laughed and continued to make the breakfast. It wasn't until later that day did I realize that it was already the weekend and it was time to get ready for work. I dreaded going in but nonetheless I arrived a few minutes early. After a few of my songs played, I noticed the girl from the incident was back and was progressively getting closer to the glitter filled stage. I quickly exited the stage into the back room in a panic. My chest started cramping. My body shook as if a earthquake hit me. My breathe became irregular and the room started to spin. Fuck not again. One of the girls caught me as I fell to the floor.

"Whats happening girly?" Tina questioned.

"I think I'm having a panic attack. I can't breathe and my chest is tightening,"

"Try to breathe. Here's some water. This should help,"

"Thank you,"

"So what caused this?"

I went down the dark hole of the incident. She didn't act surprised.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that but its unfortunately one of those things that come with the job. All you need to do is tell the bouncer or one of us and we will remove them. Is she here?"

I nodded, "She's in the front row. Green shirt, short blue hair," I managed to speak under my shakiness.

She went out of the room in which I assumed to tell the bouncer or our boss. About ten minutes later the boss came in with Tina.

"We got it fixed and escorted the lady out. Are you still up for the rest of the shift?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah. That's fine. I only have three songs left,"

"You're up next then,"

I nodded still shook up. I got up off the floor and made it to my little vanity station where I brushed up my makeup which ran from the tears of the panic attack. It was finally my turn to dance. I got up on stage with my blue boy shorts and glittered pasties. I immediately searched the room for any signs of the girl and with my relief she wasn't around. There were only a set of business looking men up front left in the building. They were rowdy and loud but nothing I haven't seen before working. Just your typical egotistic rich men. Finally it was closing time. I gathered up the money on the floor off the stage and made my way to the car while saying goodbye to Steve. Thankful that he removed that girl.

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