Chapter 10: Expression

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"The fuck?! How the hell did you do it? I've been trying to fuck him for the last six months!"

I laughed at Kenny's rambling, "Apparently I knew him in elementary. He said he had a crush on me."

Kenny questioned me in thought, "Wait... you don't remember who he is?"

"No...? Am I supposed to?"

Clyde was wobbling with how drunk he was, "He doesn't remember K-"

Kenny covered Clyde's mouth with his hand, cutting him off, "No shot. You actually don't remember K- Emerald?"

"No," I answered, "What's his actual name, then?"

Clyde removed Kenny's hand and laughed, "Kyle- Broflovski! Your best friend, re- remember...?"

And just like a freight train, every single memory of Kyle came flooding back to me.

I put my hand up to my forehead, the other one resting on my hip, "How the fuck did I forget Kyle? He was my best friend!"

Kenny shrugged, "I dunno."

Clyde interrupted the conversation, "Who's the most- who's the most sober here-?" He asked.

Kenny pulled out a breathalyzer from his jacket pocket.

"Why do you have that?" I asked, bewildered at the fact that Kenny just carried it around.

He laughed, "I go partying way too often. Got this a while ago so I wouldn't get a DUI."

"Okay, so... are we gonna see or-?"

Kenny passed it over, "Just breathe into it. We don't even have to bother with Clyde cause he's pretty drunk."

I got a 0.02 and Kenny's read 0.03. I guess I'm driving tonight.

We all hopped into my (dad's) car, I started it, and we drove off.

Kenny was in shotgun and Clyde was spread out in the back. He might've been sleeping, but I wasn't sure.

"So," Kenny began, "Did you have a fun time tonight?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Emer- Kyle is hot as fuck now. How did I not see him like that when I was younger?"

"I mean, people change. Besides, you were in fourth grade." Kenny replied.

I laughed as he spoke, the car lights visible in the dead of night.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked.

"Midnight. We were there for a pretty long time."

"Yeah..." I agreed with him, "Do you want me to drive you over there tomorrow to pick up your car?"

"Nah," He responded, "I'll just call and uber or force Clyde to do it. You seem pretty shaken up about tonight."

I chuckled embarrassingly, "It's not that it's just- well..." I took a long pause, trying to prepare myself, "I actually have an anxiety disorder. I take medication for it, but that doesn't make the anxiety go away. It's the whole reason why I wanted to be a pediatric therapist. To help kids like me who didn't know what was happening to them and didn't have parents that would help..."

Kenny just looked at me, sympathy clouding his eyes. My gaze was still focused on the road, but it felt great to see someone caring for me.

"I had no idea. Is that why you just shut everybody out? We all thought it was something we did."

I nodded, "Yeah, I tried to bring it up to my parents but my fucking dad said I was just being a baby." My voice grew tense, "I swore I'd never come back here because of my father, but my fucking smoking addiction caused it- shit. Well now you know."

Kenny gasped, "You have a smoking addiction? You've never smoked in front of Clyde and I before."

"Yeah, cause I try and hide it," I answered, "It just always takes the edge off of my anxiety. I know it isn't healthy but it's so hard to quit..."

"Stan," Kenny began, "Clyde and I will always be here for you. I just want you and I to be friends again."

"Thanks Kenny- Ken."

He smiled when I used his old nickname.

"No problem Marsh."

We both chuckled as we arrived at Kenny's apartment.

"You gonna take Clyde with you?" I asked.

"Yeah," He responded, "It'd probably be irresponsible for me to leave him alone."

I gave him a thumbs up and started driving away, now with only my thoughts to keep me entertained.

I thought about quite a bit, but one thought couldn't leave my mind.

Why the fuck would Kyle like me?

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