Chapter 18: Crushed

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Glossophobia, Emetophobia, Paranoia, Anxiety Attacks, and SA/Rape.
Wendy appears in the story again even though she technically already appeared because I'm running out of characters!!!

I apologize for what you are about to read.

It felt like tradition at this point, standing in front of the Casino Strip club every Thursday, with my bag of lube and condoms, waiting for Kyle to fuck me till' I'm blind. But this time, this time it's different.

I was so bored last week that I decided to do something stupid. Something incredible stupid. I told Kenny and Clyde to get as many people as they could to come to the Casino Strip Thursday night. And that was all it was going to be...

Until Tolkien piped up. He said he'd make it a real big deal, invite all the old school friends as a 'newly divorced' party for him. Tolkien was really down in the dumps since Nichole and him broke up.

So what he ended up doing was renting the entire god damn place out on a Thursday night so a bunch of old friends can go partying because he just got a divorce...

I screwed up bad.

So now, instead of one condom I had twenty four, and instead of one bottle of lube I had five. Just- preparing if anyone needs... anything.

Walking into the club, I met the bouncer.

"Club's closed today." He told me.

"I'm with the party. Stan Marsh." I countered.

He found my name and awkwardly laughed, "Oh, my bad. Go on in."

He lifted up the velvet rope and I went to the female strippers side, since everyone would be meeting there. Apparently Tolkien also invited some girls so I might have company later, well- added to Kenny.

"Hey, Stan!" Tolkien shouted, greeting me over to where a few people had gathered.

I waved and joined the group, looking around at some familiar yet forgotten faces.

But just then I saw the face of Butters Stotch, a look of innocence I'd never forget.

He clearly saw me.

"Heya Stan! It's been a while, huh?" He instantly recognized me.

I nodded, "Yeah! How's it been, Butters?"

He gave a sweet smile, "Oh it's been amazing, Stan! I'm nearly finished with school and I'm looking at a place I might buy!"

"That's awesome!" I felt myself say happily. I really was glad he was doing so well.

He nodded and took a sip from his drink.

"Butters!" Someone called.

He gestured towards them and walked away.

I sighed and walked over to Kenny who was just leaning against the wall enjoying some beer.

"Hey." He greeted me.

I leaned against the wall and slid down till I was barely touching the floor.

"Ken, I'm gonna tell Kyle that I wanna have a 'relationship' with him."

Kenny looked at me weird, "Why? He's a stripper, idiot. You don't ask to be in a relationship with a stripper, even if you've fucked em'."

"I don't know... I just feel like we have something special."

He shrugged, "Alright, do what you want. But I'll be here if you get your heart broken."

And with that he went silent, still sipping on his beer from time to time.

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