Withering Hyssop - I

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A lone black BMW drove through a secluded road, moving towards its destination, unaware of the misfortune about to befall upon its occupants.

Inside the sedan, at the front, sat two individuals dressed in professional suits and black glasses indicating that they were bodyguards while three more men sat at the back, two of the similarly dressed individuals flanking a man sitting between them.

Between the body gaurds sat man, dressed in a refined and elegant manner, form slack and eyes closed as he seemed to rest, sparse sunlight filtering through the tinted windows spilled upon the man's ebony locks.

Fringes fell above his eyes, framing his handsome face perfectly as he leaned on the seat, breathing slowly.

A frown danced on his face as he slept fitfully, feeling restless. Slowly, the man woke up, eyes opening to reveal beautiful Obsidian irises as he rubbed them, stifling a yawn.

“Are we back yet?“ He asked in a raspy voice, not bothering to look at his sides.

“We will be arriving soon, Young Master,” the man on his right answered.

“Oh,” the young man nodded, stretching slightly as the rolled up sleeves of his white button up pulled back, revealing lean, defined muscles. “Then, wake me up when we do.“

“Yes, Young Master Lǐ Xīnyuàn.“

Lǐ Xīnyuàn nodded, humming slightly as he shifted on his seat, preparing to close his eyes to rest once again.

“Oh, right, pass me a bar of chocolate,” he murmured, rubbing his eyes as he let out an exhausted sigh. “I think my blood sugar is running low—” Lǐ Xīnyuàn's face scrunched up “—this surgery took a lot from me.“

He held the chocolate bar offered to him and took a small bite, slowly chewing on it with his eyes closed.

The bodyguard on his left answered. “It's natural for a surgeon of your calibre, Dr. Lǐ.“

Lǐ Xīnyuàn's lips curled slightly as he swallowed, covering his mouth, slowly, he chuckled. “Well, as if being a neurosurgeon wasn't enough, I had to go out of my way and became a cardiothoracic surgeon as well.“

With a brief pause, he added in a joking tone. “And that too at the age of what, 26? Damn, I'm a prodigy.“ Heaving a sigh, he asked. “Do you have to follow me around though?“

“We are simply following Master's orders.“ The man on right explained. Lǐ Xīnyuàn huffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms on his chest.

“It's not like anyone's going to kidnap a me, a surgeon, and I am perfectly capable of defending myself—”

The car screeched to a stop, almost flinging Lǐ Xīnyuàn out of his seat had he not worn the seatbelt and had two men protecting him.

“What's going on?“ He asked, dumbfounded but alert. The driver's voice came from the front.

“Things aren't looking good, Young Master. Someone's blocking the road on purpose, it seems. Please stay put, we will look into it.“

Lǐ Xīnyuàn's frown deepened as his right bodyguard put a finger on his earpiece and mumbled something while removing his glasses.

He was feeling so tired and confused at the same time, just what was going on?

He pursed his lips, declining to make a comment as his driver and third bodyguard walked towards the car blocking their way, looking alert.

As if...

As if they were feeling threatened.

A tingle went down his spine as the thought came to him, slowly, Lǐ Xīnyuàn's eyes widened, realisation stark on his face as he looked at his bodyguards who were tense as they sat, hands resting on their guns.

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