Chapter Thirty-Three

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Jack and Barns watched Riggs through the large glass window of the interrogation room, looking at the devil from the outside in.

Barns had a stoic look on his face, trying his hardest to keep it together as he looked at the man cuffed to the table. Jack knew it was tough for Barns seeing his deputy in handcuffs, and it was probably going to be even tougher interrogating him. The two had been close friends and partners for years; it takes a lot to get over that kind of betrayal.

Riggs knew the men were there, yet he refused to look in their direction. He stared at the wall away from the two, his eyebrows permanently stuck together as he glared silently at nothing in particular. In Jack's opinion it just made him look more guilty.

"I can do most of the talking." Jack offered softly, trying to reassure the sheriff.

Barns scoffed. "Like hell you will. No offense, detective, but I don't want another Scott situation. He's my deputy, so he's my responsibility."

Jack let out a soft breath through his nose, nodding his head in understanding. Jack had been a bit rough with Mr. Galic, and he would probably be just as rough with Riggs if not more. After all, the man did try to kill his daughter.

The two exchanged glances, silently conveying that they were ready to go in. They stepped towards the door to the interrogation room and opened it, walking towards Riggs in a calm and quiet manner.

Riggs finally glanced at the men, the glare never leaving his eyes. "Well if it ain't dumb and dumber." He sneered, displeased at the sight of the two.

"Save it, Robert. Let's just cut the crap and get this over with." Barns grumbled sternly, taking a seat across from the deputy and scooting in close to the table.

Jack knew Barns was pissed when he called Riggs by his real name. He had never heard the man not call him "Bobby".

Riggs tugged at his cuffs, a soft clank sound coming from his wrists as he began to whine immediately. "Do I really have to be cuffed for this? These are uncomfortable!"

"It's just procedure," Barns muttered. "It's for both your and our safety."

Riggs scoffed in disbelief. "'Your and our safety'?" He repeated mockingly. "I'm not some dangerous maniac, so get these damn things off of me!"

"Oh, quit your whining!" Jack snapped. "Sorry, but murderers don't get the luxury of having their hands free."

Riggs shot him a hateful look, glaring at the detective as he tugged at his restraints. "You're lucky my hands are stuck to this table. If I wasn't your nose would be bleeding right now."

Barns ran a hand over his face in frustration, grunting as he snapped at the two. "Knock it off, both of you. We aren't going to get anywhere if y'all are at each other's throats the entire interrogation."

Jack rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath, but reluctantly stepped back. "Fine, fine. Just get on with it then."

Barns narrowed his eyes at Jack for a moment, then took a deep breath.

"So," Barns began, eyeing Riggs suspiciously. "You claim that you weren't in the area at the time Ms. Jones was attacked, am I right?"

Riggs scoffed. "You literally saw me with a hotdog. I was at Benny's, end of story! Go ask Benny yourself!"

"You easily could have attacked Cassidy and then ran off to get food as a cover up story." Jack barged in, staring daggers at the man.

Riggs narrowed his eyes. "Oh shut up, detective. You're grasping at straws. You want me to be the devil sooo bad, don't you?"

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