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Yoongi continued his path through the forest, every step feeling heavier with the exhaustion from his earlier battles. The sun had risen higher now, casting a warm, golden light through the canopy, but even the beauty of the morning couldn't lift his spirits. He could already imagine Jin's lecture echoing in his ears.

As he reached the edge of the forest, the sight of the grand palace nestled in the valley brought a small smile to his face. The magnificent structure, with its spires and turrets shimmering in the sunlight, was a testament to the power and protection the Aurors provided. Yoongi's pace quickened slightly, eager to reach the safety and comfort of home, in spite knowing what awaited him....his bed is still missing him, ok?

As he approaches the palace, its grand structure partially obscured by the dense trees, he senses a familiar presence. Oh how he wished if he could just teleport straight into his bedroom right now.

But he can't do that...because of Jin's protective charms that surrounding all around the palace now, keeping only one way to enter through for him...

And that is, confronting his hyung.

Finally, the entrance to the palace comes into view, and standing there, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently, is Jin.

His eyes are sharp, and despite his calm demeanor, Yoongi knows he's in for it.

Jin: "Welcome home, Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi froze and winced at the use of his full name, bracing himself for the inevitable scolding, a sheepish smile creeping onto his face as he turns to face his elder brother.

Yoongi sheepishly smiled, "Oh! Hyung...Haha! You startled me...Umm you're back early...?" he rambled nervously.

Jin stood there with his arms crossed, foot tapping, voice tinged with annoyance when he spoke up, "Young man, you have exactly ten seconds to explain why you are out of the palace at this hour AND why you dared to ignore my telepathic calls."

Yoongi winces, realizing he has no good excuse that will placate his eldest brother. He tries to play it cool, not the smartest decision, but a try won't hurt.

Yoongi: "Umm...I-I was just taking a morning stroll, you know, enjoying the sunrise and all that..." he tried to say it while grinning, but his voice trailed off as he saw Jin's stern face.

Jin's eyes narrowed, and he stepped forward, his gaze flicking to the bruises and burns on Yoongi's hands and face. He reaches out, grabbing Yoongi's arm gently but firmly.

Jin: A morning stroll you say, huh?" he mumbled as he scanned the bruises, "You think you are smart enough to lie to me, Yoongi?"

Yoongi shrugs, trying to pull his arm back, but Jin's grip tightens, not allowing him to escape. Yoongi glanced at his hands, shrugging nonchalantly.

Yoongi: "Just a few scratches. No big deal."

Jin looked up with his sharpest stern glare ever, and that immediately made Yoongi weak on his knees. He looked down, trembling a little.

Jin: Don't you even dare to try playing smart with me, Min Yoongi. I know each and every detail that you did when I was gone last night."

Yoongi shifts uncomfortably under Jin's stern gaze, his usual bravado faltering. He gulped hard but stayed silent.

Jin sighed deeply, "You never know when to stop, do you? Look at you, you're a mess."

Before Yoongi can protest, Jin's hands glow with a soft, pink light. He gently takes Yoongi's hands, the healing magic washing over the bruises and cuts, mending them with a warm, soothing sensation.

The Mayhem [ A BTS Magical-Fantasy AU]Where stories live. Discover now