Alternate universe ( ft. RDJ and Tom holland )

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DISCLAIMER-  this is just a fan fic by a fan so don' t take anything seriously i write about these two MCU actors . I don't know these actors personally and i mean no hate to them .


I tried to open my eyes but shut them immediately because of the harsh lighting . Nonetheless  I tried again ignoring the pain and itchiness I felt in my eye . Where am I ? I thought to myself as I tried to set up straight . I was in some kind of a hospital room . And it was definitely not the medbay in the Avengers tower . Trust me i would know . At the thought of being at an unknown place without my suit or webshooters made me uncomfortable . 

I got off the bed . Just as I was about to move towards the door to get the hell out of here , I heard someone open the door from the other side . I curled up my fingers into a fist and was ready to fight whoever( or whatever ) walks in from that door . 

The door finally opened revealing a gentleman in a black suit with red detailing holding a glass of what I believe was ... orange juice ? It was only a few seconds later that I realised that the gentleman was in fact ... Mr. stark ? He walked further into the room and sat the glass on a table. I finally relaxed for the first time after I woke up and a wave of comfort washed over me . 

"Feeling better after your little nap I see." Mr. stark said , a small smile forming in the corner of his mouth . I only hummed in response and passed him a small but genuine smile . " you need to fix up sleeping schedule like I have told you before T ho. " he said in a soft yet firm tone . OK I may have a horrible sleep schedule and he has lectured me on it before but- wait... what did he just call me ? " what did u just call me?" I asked completly clueless . 

" T Ho , Tommo ...Tom ? that's what I usually call u . don't I ? " he said as if it was one of the most obvious things in the world . " what- who is Tom ? " I stared blankly at him . " If this is a prank then its not funny , Mr. stark " I added after a small pause . " Mr. stark ? were not recording , u don't need to call me that , Tom " Mr. stark said , his voice showing concern and a bit of cluelessness . " Recording what- and please stop calling me tom , we both know my name is Peter " I said starting to get a little bit annoyed . " ... So you think you're Peter as in Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man ? " He said calmly . " Yes! That's what I have been trying to tell u . " 

" OK ... then" he grabbed a metal box sitting on nearby table . " Take this and squeeze it with one hand " I did not quite understand what he wanted to see but nonetheless I  took the box and squeezed it with ease . " What the fuck !? How did YOU do that !? " He said , his calmness suddenly replaced with pure shock . " What do u mean ? I have super strength . remember? " 

" No, you... you can't really be Peter Parker " He said backing off a little . OK now I am starting to doubt if he really is Mr. stark . " NO, , this can't be true " He said to himself deep in thought as if he is questioning reality or something . " Are u ok sir ? " I asked 

"Wait... if you're Peter Parker ... then..." He said , completly ignoring my question .                               

" Where the Hell is T Ho !!? " 

Alternate Universe ( Ft. RDJ and Tom )Where stories live. Discover now