Bear and Prettygirl - Ari Levinson

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NOT A NEW STORY! I'm just having a tidy up.

Even bears get hurt sometimes...

Warnings: angst with happy ending, mentions of injured Ari, mention of ex!Ransom, jealous!Ari, use of nickname/pet names both m/f (pretty girl, sweetheart, baby, bear)

Ari had been sure it was all a dream.

The two of you bumping into your ex whilst on a date and then having an ugly fight that ended with you kicking him out of your apartment. It felt like a nightmare hearing you cry on the other side of the door. Then, he was shot during a simple mission because his mind was on you. Your beautiful eyes stared at him as tears rolled down your face. He was sure it was a dream. Your warm hand that held his as you begged him not to leave you. Not to die. He needed you. He needed his pretty girl. He was sure he was dreaming when he begged you not to leave him, to stay with him. Why would you be there after the fight the two of you had had? He'd been such a jerk after the two of you had bumped into your ex. He deserved to be alone. He deserved to be in pain.

But there you were by his bedside as he woke up after his surgery.

"Pretty girl?" Ari croaked, his eyes focusing on your teary smile.

"I'm here, Ari." You sniffled and leaned over to kiss his forehead. "I'm going nowhere, bear..." You whispered making him smile to himself.

You stood in the kitchen doorway putting your hands on your hips having caught Ari once again trying to reach for something he shouldn't. "Ari! You're supposed to ask for help." You scolded him for the hundredth time.

"I don't... Ah, need, it." He grumbled, pulling a face as he struggled to reach the cookies he was wanting from the cupboard.

You raised your eyebrow at him. "No, you mean you don't want it." You huffed and walked over to him where he was. You pulled the small step stool out from the cupboard and used it to climb up and reach the cookies, handing them to Ari. Ari snatched them off you without a word. "You're welcome." You sneered.

"Don't snap at me." Ari snapped at you gruffly.

You frowned at him. "Then start acting grateful for my help."

"I don't want your help!" Ari shouted at you as he slammed the cookies down onto the table.

You felt your bottom lip tremble as you wanted his back heave.

"Fine then. I won't help anymore. I'll just go home. Obviously, you don't care whether you get better or not." You stormed off to retrieve your things.

Ari groaned as he sat himself down at the kitchen table.

What was he saying, of course he needed your help. He was just being his usual stubborn self. He was supposed to be the one to reach up into the cupboards and get the things that you couldn't reach. He liked being your big bear of a man.

Ari screwed his face up and flinched as you slammed the front door behind you without saying goodbye. Yep, he was stupid.

"Where's, Y/N?" Max asked as he walked into Ari's home with takeout, closing the door behind him.

Ari grumbled, "Went home." He hobbled back into the living room where he'd been sat watching the football game that was on.

Max frowned, noticing a couple of things that had been knocked onto the floor, "Wha'cha mean? She needed more clothes or something?" He asked sitting down on the sofa beside Ari.

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