Bear and Pretty Girl - Ari Levinson

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NOT A NEW STORY! I'm just having a tidy up.

How Ari met Pretty girl...
Ari was not in a good mood. Some might say that was nothing new for him. But his morning so far had been a shit show. He was woken up earlier than he'd have liked by his neighbors arguing and slamming doors. Then on his morning run, he ran through a puddle much deeper than he had expected, soaking his feet and legs. His shower wouldn't work properly so he had to settle for a cold one. He then burnt his breakfast and to top it off as he left his apartment building, it once again started pissing it down. And of course, traffic was a nightmare as he made his way to the coffee shop he favoured before heading into work.
His large hands gripped the steering wheel as he grumbled to himself barely paying his surroundings any attention as he drove down the street. If he had, he'd have spotted the pretty girl as she put her umbrella down and shook it off, stood beside the parking spot he'd sped up to snatch just outside the coffee shop. The one that had a giant puddle in the middle of it.
Ari's eyes widened as he watched the entirety of the puddle cover the poor young woman head to toe. "Fuck." He pushed open his door quickly and called out, "Miss, I am so sorry that happened. I didn't see you-"
"You didn't see me?" You snapped at him. "How the fuck couldn't you see me? I'm stood right next to your damn car, asshole."
Ari's mouth hung open, not expecting you to speak to him like that. "I-I, wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry... I've had a terrible morning and-"
"Oh, you've had a bad morning. Did you get soaked through by some jerk too?" You glared at him.
Ari gulped and shook his head, "Uh, no... Just, got my feet wet." He chuckled to himself as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.
You scowled at him before huffing. "Y'know what," You drew in a deep breath. "Eat shit." You turned around to head inside the coffee shop.
"Hang on!" Ari quickly moved in front of you and put his hand on the door handle, stopping you from going inside. "I'm trying to apologize here, lady, you can't speak to me like that." Ari frowned at you.
"Oh, forgive me. But when some asshole, who doesn't pay attention to what he's doing and ends up soaking you through with cold, muddy water and then laughs at you, you kinda can't stop yourself from being pissed off and angry with him."
Ari lowered his head with a heavy sigh. "Your right. I'm sorry. "
"You've said." You rolled your eyes.
Ari couldn't stop the smile growing on his lips. "Let me buy you a drink... And some cake or something. To apologize. Please. I really didn't mean for this to happen." Ari pleaded with you.
You huffed but nodded. "Okay but only because I'm cold."
Ari nodded and opened the door, letting you enter first as he smiled to himself. He quite enjoyed the bite you had. Ari watched as the elderly owner of the coffee shop greeted you and handed you a towel before sending you off into the back. Ari felt his cheeks blush as the woman frowned at him.
"What were you thinking, Ari?" She scolded him.
Ari sighed, "I didn't mean for that to happen, Sarah."
"I should hope not." She tutted. "That poor girl is soaked to the bone." She shook her head with a sigh as she walked behind the counter.
Ari nodded. "That's why I'm buying her a drink as an apology." Ari smiled.
Sarah frowned at him. "You should be buying her a lot more than that, Ari."
"And a slice of cake." Ari added.
Sarah shook her head with a soft chuckle. "Your usual?"
Ari nodded. "And whatever-" Ari pointed to where you'd disappeared. "Uh... The pretty girl, wants."
Sarah chuckled. "Y/n... And she'll have a large slice of chocolate cake too."
Ari nodded. "Of course."
You looked at yourself in the small mirror with a huff. At least you didn't look like a complete mess. And luckily your job required you to have spare clothes with you on rainy days like today, so not all was a loss. As you thought back to the giant bear of man you'd been so rude to, you cringe, knowing your mother would not be please with you. You don't speak to people like that, Y/n. No matter how much of a jerk they've been.
With a deep breath you opened the door and headed back out into the coffee shop, sending a thankful smile to Sarah. She nodded over to the back corner that you preferred to sit in with her own smile. There sat the grizzly bear himself, looking even larger thanks to the small table and chairs he was occupying.
You cleared your throat as you stood beside him.
Ari looked up before standing up, towering over you. "I got your favorite... Or, it's what Sarah, said was, your favorite." He cleared his throat.
You nodded. "Thank you." You offered a shy smile as you sat opposite him.
"No need to thank me. It's the least I could do." Ari sat down, feeling his face heat up as you smiled at him.
"I should apologise, for the way I spoke to you."
He shook his head with a frown. "Please. I was a jerk, I deserved it."
"No, you didn't. If my mother had heard me, she'd have kicked my ass." You joked making Ari grin.
He nodded, "Yeah. If mine had seen me she'd definitely have given me a smack up the side of the head." He chuckled, making you giggle. "I'm, Ari, by the way." He held his hand out to you.
"Y/n." You smiled as you took his hand in yours, biting your bottom lip as you noted how much bigger his hand was than yours.
"Yeah, I know." Ari nodded.
"You do?" You raised your eyebrow at him.
"Sarah told me... Not because I asked or anything creepy. I just, referred to you as, Pretty girl and then she told me." Ari closed his eyes with a defeated sigh, making you smile. "I suck at this." He groaned, dropping his head into his hands.
"Trust me, I suck too." You smirked to yourself, waiting for Ari's reaction.
He lifted his head with a grin. "I see what you did there."
"Too easy." You smiled. "So, tell me what made you so grumpy this morning. Apart from your wet feet, of course."
Ari rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Okay... Neighbors from hell at five in the morning, making all kinds of racket. We've covered the wet feet. Shower wouldn't work, so had to have a cold one. Burnt breakfast. Walking from my apartment to my car soaked me... And, traffic was nightmare... Then, there's soaking you through." Ari sat back in his chair. "Again, I apologise."
You chuckled, "Stop apologising... Just don't do it again."
Ari shook his head as he held his hands up. "I promise, it's not a habit of mine to make pretty girls soaked." He closed his eyes with a groan.
Your head fell back with laughter. "Oh, my god. Tell me, you meant to say that." Ari shook his head, making you laugh even more.
"Changing the subject," Ari cleared his throat. "What's the reason for you having spare clothes?"
"Work." You smiled. "I usually get pretty muddy when it's rains."
Ari raised his eyebrow at you. "What the hell do you do?"
"I work at an animal shelter not far from here." You smiled at him. "I like to volunteer to walk the dogs in this weather. Besides, no one else enjoys it." You grinned. "I just love to watch them run around in the rain, having the time of their life."
Ari grinned to himself as he listened to you talk with so much passion. "You must really love your work?"
You nodded. "I do. It's not always easy, but it's rewarding y'know. Besides, dogs are awesome. Much better than people." You smiled making him laugh.
"I bet."
"What do you do?" You asked.
Ari drew in a deep breath. "Nothing as fun as what you do... I work for a government agency."
Your eyes widened a little. "Oh... Okay... Sounds boring."
Ari nodded with a chuckle. "Sometimes." He groaned as he looked down at his watch. "Speaking of which, I've gotta go. I was running late already."
"Oh, no. I'm sorry I've kept you."
"No, don't be." He smiled at you as he placed his hand over yours. "Talking to you has actually relieved some of my stress." He smiled. "But, uh, I don't quite feel like I've made up for being a jerk." He smiled. "Could, I maybe, take you to dinner?"
Your eyes widened. No, freakin', way. You gulped, nodding. "I'd, like that." You smiled. You reached into your bag and pulled out a pen. You grabbed the napkin that sat on the table and wrote your number down. "Call me when you're less grumpy." You teased making Ari grin.
He nodded. "I will... Enjoy your cake." He sent you a wink as he got up making you blush. "Bye, Sarah..." He waved over to her as he pushed his chair in. "Bye, pretty girl." He whispered as he walked past you making you blush even more.
As the door shut and you watched him walk back to his car you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"I better get an invite to the wedding." Sarah teased making you roll your eyes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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