Part 9

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“Nothing,” I repeated when Rosemarie had asked me a question about the shiver. Suddenly I was in a snappy mood. The feeling of contentedness and happiness from the energy drink were gone. It wasn’t the drink making me snappy but the Darkness I felt around me. Something was off. Something was really off. Someone was here. I could tell. I could sense. With my physical abilities as well as my Power. Someone knew my secret. My eyes widened. I stood. I realized I hadn’t gone to my locker.

“I have to get books for class,” I said. Rosemarie nodded confused, uneasy, and unsure and stood with me. I wasn’t sure why she looked those things, especially uneasy. I had thought she couldn’t sense it. But then my Power levels realized hers. Her face was blank blinking in horror. I had been too busy to try and control my Power to see what it was trying to show me. I rushed out of the bathroom in denial of what Rosemarie’s Powers had shown me. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. There was no way it could be. No possible way. I had been extra careful. Meticulous. Took extra caution. Only hunted at night. Only Turned on full moons. But somehow, in the pit of my stomach where my gut felt like it was being wrenched out of my body twisting up my insides and a thick sickening dread came over me.

The next part was in slow motion. The noise of the hall drained out of me. I began to run to my locker. It was the extra speed running. The one only a hybrid could do. You’re just confirming their suspicions, a voice in my head that I knew was right said. Yes. I was confirming their suspicions. Because I had to see for myself. I had to see the horror begin to happen. I pushed past the people. Things were still moving very slowly. I could not make out curses or any middle fingers flipping. My mind was focused on one thing. My Powers focused on one thing. My body focused on one thing. Confirming what I had seen through Rosemarie’s Powers. 

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