Chapter: 5 Aziza

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At dawn Violetta my attendant and only friend in  this foreign palace, woke me up muttering something about suitors

"suitors!", I sat upright, my  fingers curling tightly around the hilt of my gladius with ornate design , it had a undeniably impeccable craftsmanship. It was the first true token of love from him , I hold it close while asleep as if I am holding onto him.

Violetta paused and looked up,"yes ?" with a questioning look on her face and resumed folding my tunics.

It has been quite few months and yet suitors persue her hand though she had made her choise upon marrying me.

Standing in the corridors outside my chambers I looked down and upon the garden below the grand cherry blossom tree Queen Aurelia made light conversations with her suitor. Whom was rumoured to be her former boyfriend.

Such foolishness, if she had loved thou she would take thou to her chambers or at the least she could smile at thou with  warmth. They come everyday  in hopes of winning her heart for that would mean power, bearing meagre gifts no Queen would love except off her lover and a true one at that.

It is not as if she cannot smile not that the scowl on her face is set so. When we were young , I was ten or so we were at our country mansion when father and mother were called upon by Aurelia's parents on urgent matters so we rode to the palace.

I was shown to the library where I saw Aurelia reading something with great intent, I asked what she must be reading and she looked up from her book and smiled. No one ever saw her smile not in the court not in the processions.

The few brief encounters were blissful with her, methinks she wilt never smile passionately with anyone but the ones she held close to heart .I wonder now if she remembers and cherishes such time spent.

She turned towards me and smiled the way she did when we were just children, the way she hath never smiled infront of her suitors or her subjects , a smile that lit her face , an incandescent smile.

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