Sheila's future

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Sheila was having a dream about her and the first day when she and Evan met, then dreamed about when Eric accidentally hugged her in his sleep

She remembered how he hugged her closely and how his heartbeat was beat against hers, the warmth of his doby against hers

The soft smooth feeling of his skin touching her fur, and how their faces were closed and that was when her heart was locked into him

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the alarm clock time to be 6:22, she then rolled over to the other side and saw him sleeping

His hair was always long and smooth to the touch, his toned skin was visible when the glow of the sun through the window shines on his sleeping body

She smiles at her love, she reaches and brushes her paw through his hair to show more of his handsome face to her, she loved this man in front of her

Evan slowly wakes up and smiles at her "morning Sheila" Evan sleepily said and gently grabs her paw and kisses it

She giggled and smiled more, they were both lying on the bed together and they both slowly got closer

She wrapped her arms around his body and pulled her closer "this reminds me of when you accidentally hugged me in your sleep Evan"

She playfully pinched his nose and he changed chuckles, their faces incest away and slowly their faces got closer, and closer and...

Suddenly they hear the sounds of the kids, they stop and Sheila gave a playful tap of his face "looks like the kids are awake, you ready for another day?"

Evan sat up and did some stretches and nods, he got up from bed and helped Sheila up from bed and-

Suddenly woke up from the sound of her phone alarm, she scratches her head and looks to her side and only sees an empty space beside her

She then realised that it was all a dream, it never happened but she used the thought of that dream they push herself to make Evan hers

Sorry if this was short, not much to put cuz this a dream

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