Chapter 24

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Xie Fengxing asked, "Why did you call me?"

"I wasn't actually running a fever yesterday. I lied. My body temperature is naturally higher than most people’s, and drinking makes it worse," Lu Chi replied.

"Oh," Xie Fengxing said. "You're really boring."

"Just wanted to see if someone as cold as you would care for their boss."

They then had a sporadic conversation.

Despite having lost all his memories and not interacting much with Lu Chi, Xie Fengxing found that he felt perfectly at ease around him.

He wasn’t awkward, and surprisingly, neither was Lu Chi.

It was even more comfortable than being with Gou Xiaochuan.

He thought, maybe it was because neither of them talked much, as if they both had secrets.

Who knows how long they sat there. Suddenly, Xie Fengxing stood up and moved aside, "You’re really like an incense burner."

But Lu Chi didn’t answer. When Xie Fengxing turned to look, Lu Chi had fallen asleep on a rock.

Didn’t he say he had trouble sleeping? Why was he always falling asleep around him?

As if he couldn’t get enough sleep.

As dawn approached, the sea breeze grew colder, so Xie Fengxing woke Lu Chi up.

After drinking a lot of beer, the first thing Xie Fengxing did when he got off the rock was head to the bathroom.

This area was a famous tourist spot in North City, so there was a restroom nearby. They went in, and as Xie Fengxing unzipped his pants, he suddenly thought of 189.

"Ah," Xiao Ai suddenly popped up.

"Fuck," Xie Fengxing said. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Look," Xiao Ai said.

"See for yourself."

"You're the host. If you don’t look, how can I see?"

Xie Fengxing ignored her.

He really wasn’t interested; he was just reminded of it by Xiao Ai's incessant talk.

When they came out of the bathroom, it was already getting light.

Both had drunk beer and couldn’t drive, so Lu Chi called for a designated driver. While waiting, Xie Fengxing noticed a row of beautifully blooming roses by the roadside. Feeling bored, he went over to take a look.

It was the end of May, and many petals had fallen, covering the grassy ground.

He stepped on a loose paving stone, stumbled, and accidentally broke a rose branch.

The designated driver had arrived. Picking up the broken branch, he walked towards the car.

Lu Chi called for a driver, "Let’s drop you off first."

Xie Fengxing nodded. Lu Chi glanced at the rose in Xie Fengxing's hand. Xie Fengxing said, "I accidentally stepped on it."

"It has thorns," Lu Chi remarked.

Using the car's light, Xie Fengxing saw a few more petals fall. He brought the stem into the car.

"What are you going to do with it?" Lu Chi asked.

"Put it in a vase," Xie Fengxing replied.

Lu Chi thought Xie Fengxing was really interesting. People said he was cold and crazy, but occasionally he showed these small, careful thoughts, as if he hadn't completely changed and still retained some of his past self.

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