All Yours

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Under the cover of the Cloudy night, Ruhani quietly slipped away, her mind focused on checking on Rudra's condition. Concern for her beloved overpowered her exhaustion, and she couldn't bear the thought of not being there for him. With a mix of determination and worry, she made her way back toward his room, her heart racing with each silent step As wind outside Was Very Fast since It was about to Rain.

Ruhani entered the room to find four maids attentively caring for Rudra. Recognizing her presence, they swiftly bowed in respect, and she nodded subtly in acknowledgment.


As the maids discreetly left the room, Ruhani settled by Rudra's bedside, her gaze fixed on his peaceful sleeping form. The weight of the situation settled upon her, and a deep sigh escaped her lips. She sat quietly beside him, her eyes tracing the contours of his face, her heart filled with a mix of love and concern. In That moment, she silently watched over him.

"I'm sorry for whatever what I said to you... without listing your side Story I know it must have hurt you and.... confused you. I was trying to be honest, but maybe I was too harsh...I wanted you to love me when I love you, not When you want me to love....I was also afraid to Confess that I still love you but I see so many times That..... so many People never End up... together like our parents and i'm sorry that i didn't give you enough time to heal, that i let you seal the wounds of everyone else.... while your own were bleeding. i'm sorry that I came in your life And Ruined it... I just hoped you never loved me so You have been Married Saudamini by now...and she wouldn't have hurted you I'm so sorry that i did not love you, like you deserved to be loved."

As Ruhani's tears began to fall, her voice trembled with a mix of regret and love. She poured her heart out to the sleeping Rudra, her words echoing through the room.

"I am sorry," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. As she Stood up and Just as Ruhani was about to leave, a gentle yet firm hand caught hold of hers, stopping her in her tracks. Startled, she gasped softly, her eyes widening as her gaze met Rudra's eyes, now slowly opening. Ruhani's breath caught in her throat, her heart filled with a flood of emotions.

As Rudra's eyes met Ruhani's, the weight of the realization crashed upon her. He had been awake the whole time, every whispered word and tear-filled moment laid bare in front of him. A mix of shock and embarrassment washed over Ruhani's features. She hesitated, unsure of how to react to the knowledge that her vulnerable honesty had been witnessed and heard by the very person it was meant for.

"Didn't It took you so long to Confess
fake wifey."

As Rudra's voice, tinged with a hint of playfulness, echoed through the room, Ruhani's heart skipped a beat. The affectionate term, "fake wifey," spoken with a mix of amusement and warmth, sent a shiver down her spine. She took a deep breath, steeling herself to respond with a touch of lighthearted banter.

"You... you heard everything?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her breath caught in her throat as she awaited his response, her emotions riding on the edge of uncertainty.

Rudra's soft smile intensified as he took Ruhani's hand, placing it gently over his left side of his chest. His voice, tinged with a hint of his usual playfulness, resonated with a raw honesty that stirred something deep within Ruhani. Drawing her closer, he spoke in a raspy whisper, his eyes holding her gaze. " it's okay mistakes are made by humans afterall and yess I heard every single word, every whispered confession..."

Ruhani immediately take her and hand back and Looked down as her cheeks flushed and spoke.

" should rest It's n...not good for you to m...move and this much."

Eternal Flames (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now