When Welcome Doesn't Feel Welcome

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Winter break had just ended.

The end of the school year is nearing, and Chuuya doesn't like it.

The last three years he spent on this school has been quite uneventful, but besides that, he would miss his dear friends' company. (Despite being annoying assholes)

Chuuya had already thought of applying to Todai, where some of his friends from his junior high applied to.

They apparently call themselves The Flags. Chuuya thought it was pretty stupid, he didn't think there'd be any meaning to it.

But there was.

It's just that no one remembered.

(Pianoman sulked about it FOR DAYS)

He still remembered the dumb expressions on their faces when they tried to recall Pianoman explaining why they were called The Flags.

His lips curved upwards into a small smile as he walked down the sidewalk. He can't deny that he misses them.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived at the school gate. He sighed, taking a step into the campus, finally seeing familiar faces he misses oh so dearly.

He sees Ace talking to a girl, who was CLEARLY uncomfortable. (Made him want to punch the fucker in the face), he never really liked the guy, nor did anyone else. Yet he shrugged it off. If he were to do something, he'd spend the rest of the day having a talk with Paul.

"Hey Chuuya!" A voice called after him. He immediately turned around, recognizing the said voice.

"Tachi, you're early." He tilts his head, as if confused on why Tachi was there. "That's new."

Tachi furrowed his brows, "You say that as if I'm always late to school."

"It's cause you are, shithead." A girl with raven black hair approached the two.

The girl was wearing a mask, her features were quite androgynous. Her voice was soft, yet her words were sharp.

Tachi sighed, who then glared at the girl. A very good morning indeed.


Chuuya rolls his eyes, quickly walking away from the two, in case they start any trouble. After all, winter break has just ended. He'd rather not waste away at detention after class.

Going up to his locker to change his shoes, he noticed a brunette, someone he hasn't seen in this school yet.

But this brunette was familiar.

When the said brunette stood up, turning around, facing Chuuya, he felt a lump in his throat.

'Oh God...' His eyes widened, looking at the guy in front of him, 'There's just no fucking way..'

He quickly turned around, attempting to exit the building.

There was something burning in his chest.

He didn't quite know what that burning feeling was yet.

But he knew that he didn't like it.

His mind raced, because how the fuck is this bastard here? He's supposed to be back in Aomori. 'I'm probably hallucinating. Is this what I get from pulling an all-nighter?'

But it all came to a stop when someone grabbed his wrist.


Well, shit.

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