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Areum sat in the small conference room, tapping her pen impatiently against her notebook.

The clock on the wall seemed to tick louder with each passing minute, amplifying her frustration. Seungcheol, or S.Coups as he said he preferred was late for their meeting.

She glanced at her watch. Thirty minutes had passed since their scheduled time.

Just as she was about to call him, the door creaked open, and Scoups walked in, looking slightly out of breath. "Sorry, I'm late," he said, not meeting her eyes "the practice was longer than I intended to"

Areum stood up, crossing her arms. "I don't care. I have my whole day scheduled and now we only have 30 minutes. I thought this was important to you"

Seungcheol frowned, clearly taken aback by her tone. "I know it's important, Areum. Do you think I'm not aware of that? The practice ran over time"

"This is your case, Seungcheol! If you can't prioritize it, how do you expect us to win?"

Seungcheol's eyes flashed with irritation. "Don't lecture me about priorities. I'm juggling a lot right now—promotions, rehearsals, performances. This case isn't the only thing on my plate."

"Well, it should be a priority," Areum shot back "You hired me to help you, but I can't do my job if you're wasting my time"

Seungcheol took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself. "Look, I'm sorry for being late. I really am. I'm here now. Can we seat and talk?"

Areum sighed "Ok"

Areum sat down, feeling the tension still thick in the air.

At that moment, the door opened again, and Kitae walked in, looking concerned. "I heard you yelling. Is everything alright in here?"

Areum rolled her eyes. "Sorry, Kitae. We're ok"

Kitae walked over to her and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Take a deep breath. Remember he's the client"

Areum nodded as he walked away. Scoups looked at both of them and clenched his jaw.

As she started to gather her notes again, Scoups leaned back in his chair, a strange look on his face.

He hesitated before speaking, his tone more guarded than usual. "You shouldn't sleep with your boss. For someone that claims to be professional..."

Areum's eyes narrowed, and she felt a surge of anger.

She placed her notebook on the table with deliberate calmness before standing up and stepping closer to Scoups until their faces were inches apart.

Her voice was low and dangerous, each word enunciated with a cold precision." I didn't get my job the horizontal way and you'll keep your mouth shut. No man should judge a girl like that"

The air between them crackled with tension, their proximity amplifying the intensity of the moment.

Scoups eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by her boldness. Their lips were almost touching, the heat of the confrontation palpable.

"This meeting is over and next time leave your misogynistic opinions out of this room" Areum said coolly, her eyes still locked onto his. She turned on her heel and walked out of the room, leaving
him staring after her in stunned silence.

Kitae saw her leave and the stern look in her face made him worry.

Jail free card ♥️

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