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Areum was buried in paperwork at her desk, the steady buzz of office chatter in the background.

She was so focused on her task that she almost didn't notice when the office door swung open. But then she heard a collective gasp from her colleagues and looked up.

A delivery man stood in the doorway, holding a massive bouquet of flowers that seemed to brighten the entire room. He scanned the office, his eyes landing on Areum. "Delivery for Areum " he announced.

Areum's eyes widened in surprise.

She stood up, her chair scraping against the floor, and made her way over to the delivery man. "That's me," she said, still in a bit of shock.

The delivery man handed her the bouquet, which was almost as big as she was. "Enjoy your day," he said with a friendly smile before leaving.

Areum returned to her desk, the bouquet cradled in her arms. Her coworkers immediately swarmed her, their curiosity piqued.

"Who sent those?" one of her colleagues asked, her eyes wide with envy.

Areum shrugged, her cheeks turning pink. "I have no idea," she admitted, though she had a strong suspicion.

She set the bouquet down on her desk, noticing a small card nestled among the flowers. She pulled it out and opened it.

I hope these brighten your day as much as you brighten mine. - Seungcheol

Areum couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Her coworkers continued to gather around her, speculating and teasing, but she wasn't paying attention to them.

Kitae, approached her desk, an amused look on his face. "Quite the display," he remarked, glancing at the bouquet. "I wonder who send it"

Areum nodded, still smiling. "He was sweet, wasn't he?"

Kitae chuckled. "Well, I guess I can forgive you for being distracted today. I need to order something for Dahee now"

"You better" Areum said pouting at him

Seungcheol ♥️

Did you get the flowers?

Yes, they're beautiful.
Thank you
You didn't have to
You gave me flowers 3 days ago

I wanted to.

This is huge
Next time what you'll send me ?

A bear of flowers?

You are a teddy bear
You show up with the flowers

Don't tempt me

Maybe I should give you a gift too
Dinner at my place?

That's way better than the flowers
What time?

8 ?

I'll be there
Dress fancy?


See you tonight

As she put her phone down, she couldn't help but smile. Scoups was proving to be full of surprises, and she was looking forward to whatever the future holds.

She wanted to do something special to thank him for the beautiful bouquet. She prepared a simple but delicious meal, setting the table with care.

When Scoups arrived, he was greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of homemade food.

"Wow, this smells amazing," he said, stepping inside and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "You really didn't have to go to all this trouble."

Areum smiled, feeling a bit shy. "I wanted to. Consider it a thank you for the flowers."

They sat down to eat, enjoying the meal and each other's company. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories.

After dinner, they moved to the living room to watch a movie.

Areum selected a simple romantic comedy, and they settled on the couch together.

She leaned against him, feeling the warmth of his presence as the movie played.

Before long, the soothing atmosphere and the day's exhaustion caught up with her, and she found herself drifting off to sleep on his shoulder.

Scoups glanced down at her, a soft smile on his lips. He adjusted slightly, making sure she was comfortable, and continued to watch the movie. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it, not wanting to disturb this moment or to risk waking her up.

The buzzing continued, but he didn't moved.

He gently stroked Areum's hair, feeling a sense of coziness he hadn't felt in a long time.

The movie ended, but he remained still, he was way too comfortable to move.

A little while later, his phone buzzed again.

He carefully reached into his pocket and saw a flurry of missed calls and messages from his members.

They were wondering where he was and if everything was okay.

He sighed softly, knowing he should probably respond, but one look at Areum, peacefully sleeping on his shoulder, made him hesitate.

Instead, he sent a quick text to the group chat.

17 plus one

Everything's fine.
I'm with Areum.
Talk to you guys tomorrow

He put his phone away and leaned back, holding Areum a little closer.

The night grew quieter, Scoups closed his eyes and fell into sleep too.

In the morning, Areum stirred, slowly waking up. She blinked sleepily and looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face. "Did I fall asleep?"

Scoups nodded, smiling back at her. "Yeah, you did. I didn't want to wake you."

Areum sat up, stretching a bit. "You must be uncomfortable."

"Not at all," he said, shaking his head. "I assure you I was comfortable"

She blushed slightly, feeling a rush of warmth in her chest. "Thank you for staying."

"Anytime," he replied softly.

Areum looked at him " Wanna stay for breakfast?"

The sound of his phone buzzing again broke the moment. He glanced at it and chuckled. "Looks like the guys are wondering where I am.Again"

Areum laughed. "You should probably get back to them before they start a search party."

He nodded, reluctantly getting up. "Yeah, you're right. But let's do this again soon, okay?"

"Definitely," Areum agreed, standing up and giving him a hug. "Maybe next time you cook for me"

He hugged her back tightly. "Deal"

As he left her apartment, he couldn't help but smile.

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