Chapter 30

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Daniel came out of the bathroom with slick wet hair paired with a beaming smile. He was clothed in the cloth black shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. He finished drying off his hair as best he could. He found Adira curled up in a ball on the bed so he laid beside her, after hanging up the towel on the door. He put his warm hand on her hip, drawing her near for a kiss. They had gotten a lot more comfortable with each over over the past few days; he was becoming more bold, stealing kisses whenever he pleased. He tasted salt against his lips. "You're crying?" he questioned.

"I just hit my leg funny," she replied, forcing it out.

"Oh yeah?" he questioned, an amused tone. His hand slipped under the material of her shirt and his fingers caressed the toned plane of her stomach.

And, Adira gave herself away... as if it could somehow soften what she had brought upon him.

She slipped her fingers under his shirt and raked it up his chest and over his head. She pressed her lip to his and his slipped down to her neck. She sighed and let Daniel take her away. Far away from here.

And, in the heat of it all, Danirl pressed a soft kiss to her lips - void of the hunger and desperation they had just held. "Jezebel Eastwood, I think I have fallen in love with you."

She hid her tears and lack of a response by trapping him in a kiss. Her heart was heavy, soaring, and felt as if it would burst - all in the span of that moment. She had never been with anyone but her husband, but he was gone now, she reminded herself. Six feet under now, because of her. She fought back tears as she wound her fingers deeper into his hair, bringing his mouth back to hers. She felt as if she was atoning for one sin with another - oh, how she wanted to tell him of the disaster she had brought upon him and his family...his gang.

He paused, taking his lips away from hers. He smiled at her, running his fingers over her lips. He stopped smiling as he jumped out of bed. Adira pulled the thin sheet around her as he looked out the window. She heard it to - sirens. The police must be close. "Oh no," he whispered. He sprang into action before pressing a button in the bedside table's drawer. He ran around the room: he pulled on his boxers, tossed her her black bra and underwear, tugged on his jeans, and searched for her shirt. "Damnit! Where did I throw your shirt?" he hissed. He ended up throwing her a white button off hanging off one of the chairs. "Put that on," he ordered and Adira didn't argue. She wiggled on her clothes and black shorts. He pulled out a pistol from the same bedside drawer. He grabbed her hand and towed her behind him; no time to button up his shirt. They stopped in a back hallway with Lincoln and Lukas waiting for them. Daniel turned to Adira, slamming his lips to hers while taking her hand in his and curling it around two rings. "Go," he whispered. Raphael came around the corner. Lincoln gave both Raphael and Adira guns. "Take her," ordered Daniel. He finished with something too quickly in Spanish for Adira to catch it.


"Where are they?" she whispered to Raphael. They were hidden blow the mansion in an immense sewer system.

He looked at her with torn eyes. "It is best not to ask, Lady Jezebel." Worry was written clear across his worn face.

"Raphael, where are they?" Her voice betrayed her; shaking.

"Lady Jezebel, there are three different evacuation plans. This was a code blue. They could be anywhere. This wasn't just hide your weapons, only one answers the door or clear out and Dad will pay off the cops kind of deal. This is the I-may-never-see-you-again evac. I do not know where my children are." She saw that his affection ran deep for the eight brothers. "Lady Jezebel, I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst."

"Raphael, when do you know it's all clear?" She looked down at the rings on her right hand, still trying to figure out why Daniel had gave them to her.

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