Chapter 37

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Adira sat in her massage chair as the lady in front of her gave her a much deserved, according to Adira, pedicure. She opened the text from Matt. It read, "Baby, you can come home now."

She replied back, "I still have ten more minutes left of my pedicure."

"Pedicure? You went all out."

"I will be home," she checked the clock at the top of her phone, "By 6:45."

"Okay!" was his response.


Adira slowly opened the front door and saw all of her children, along with Matt, sitting at their dining room table. The nicest china she owned, from her wedding night, was set along with fancy, glass wine glasses. "Don't worry," informed James as she took her seat at the head of her table, "you and Matt have real wine and we just have sparkling grape juice. Todd dropped it off when he dropped off the pizza."

Adira looked at the raised platters on the table to see pizza. It was nice pizza—nicer than the pizza place down the block she normally ordered from. Matt frowned, but quickly fixed it. "How the hel—excuse me, but why could I not turn on your oven? The grill was out of propane, so that was a bust. Then we went to the oven and I just couldn't figure it out."

Adira chuckled, "I have this super-secret child safety lock that is in a super-secret spot, because one time Jeremiah tried to cook me breakfast, and almost burning the house. I can show you after the kids go to bed tonight."

"We ordered your favorite kind of pizza," he offered. "Extra cheese."

Adira smiled, "I got a pedicure?"

"Pedicure?" questioned Justice. "What is that?"

"I got my toe nails painted and a foot massaged," she answered.

"The house is also clean!" shouted Joshua.

"Joshua!" hollered Jeremiah, "You weren't supposed to tell her that!"

"Oh, I forgot the plan, sorry, Matt."

He smiled, "Hey, its okay, buddy. Let's pray." They all joined hands, "Dear God, thank you for this day, even though I got hurt, thank you for this opportunity to stay with the Xavier family. Thank you for keeping all of us safe and continue to keep us safe. Give us strength and many blessings. IN your name we pray, amen."

"Amen," they all chorused.

Adira looked at Matt, who was holding her hand from his spot to her right and eating with the other, and smiled. "I love you," she mouthed to him between Jeremiah and James's stories. He grinned and pressed a kiss to her fingertips.

They finished dinner and the twins put everything away. "Okay, it is eight thirty and all of you guys have school tomorrow. You may grab one piece of candy on your way up to bed so hurry up! I am only going to make one trip upstairs so if you want a hug and a kiss tonight, get your butts up there in five!" called Matt as he closed up the loaded dishwasher.

"Wanna see my toenails?" she giggled.

"Of course I do! Is that all you did?"

"No, of course I got my nails done," she joked before hopping up on the counter. He slipped off her socks as he leaned on his crutches. "Your toenails look extra fabulous and your nails," he kissed each one. "Look extra beautiful. Now, why don't you go put on some super comfortable pajamas and grab your laptop, and meet me in my office. Give your kids a quick kiss and I will put them to bed."

"You sure you can take the stairs?" He nodded. "And, you said comfortable pajamas? I thought you were going to say cute."

He shook his head, "Pajamas are for comfort, not for cuteness. Now, go kiss your children before I come up and say goodnight."

Adira went upstairs and kissed each of her children before hiding in her room. She watched Matt struggle up the steps, it taking him almost five minutes without his crutches, but he put on his game winning smile before entering the twins room. Adira disappeared to change into her comfy pajamas and run down the stairs when he wasn't looking.

"Hey, Mister, I believe you are supposed to be in bed!" called Matt when he spotted James reading a book on his small love seat.

James looked up, surprised. "I am sorry, Matt," he set down his book and crawled into his bed. "I am just at a really, really good part."

"If it wasn't a school night, I would let read. I bet it is. Maybe I can read it and we can talk about it. What is it called?"

"It is called 'Sea of Monsters.' It is the second book in the Percy Jackson series. I just started the first one the other day. It is really good. I liked it so much, I finished it in one night."

Matt smiled, "Do you own the first one? Can I borrow it?"

"Sure!" James grabbed it and brought it back. Matt kissed James's forehead. "Goodnight, mister. I will see you tomorrow."

Matt finished saying goodnight to all of the kids before slowly returning back to his office/room to find Adira lying on the mattress in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. There were two wine glasses, filled with a deep red wine, and her laptop, which was loading Netflix. "I figured we could sneak in a quick movie before we have to go to bed."

"Do we have a bed time to?"

"If I have to function in the morning, then yes. We do. Midnight. Now, whatcha wanna watch?"

Adira was woken up, almost two hours later, by Matt as he stared down at her. "I really want to be a true gentlemen and carry you up to your bedroom, but currently I can't even support my own weight, so I don't think that me, plus your hot, skinny ass, and stairs would go well."

She laughed, "Goodnight my knight in shining armor."

"I love you," he whispered. "Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses," she whispered back, smiling at the reference to his first batch of roses he had sent to her.

Maybe, she thought in her head as she walked back up to her bedroom, that "hugs and kisses" would be their "forever and always."

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