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Spencer POV
Btw I've this is a whole new story
Luke, Luke what a wonderful name, it is by far my favourite boy name I have ever heard. You get it that some how a name just attracts you and when ever u hear it you think that's my favourite name, well same here. Also my best friend since the day I was born name is Luke. When we were little nearly every day we would have a play date or we'd play together and sleep over, it seemed we had a lot of sleep overs over the years. Luke was very tall 6'4" or 6'5" I wasn't really sure. He had electric blue eyes that sometimes would turn into baby blue, he had long blonde hair, well his fringe was long and,would be styled up in the tallest quiff I had ever seen. He had broad shoulders, and perfect white teeth, and on his lip he has a lip piercing right now he has a hoop on it.

Luke has 2 older siblings, unlike me who has none I'm an only child, which sometimes sucked, but Ben and Jack (Luke's brothers) were like brother figures to me, which is odd as I'd never consider Luke as a brother to me just a really close best friend. Describing Ben and Jack is hard as I nearly always get them mixed up! What I'm forgetful I know.Then there's Luke's dad, Andrew. Most of the time when we were younger Andrew was away so I never really knew him, but as we got older he stayed home and I have kinda got to know him but I'm not as comfortable talking to him alone. Then there's Luke's mum, Liz, more like queen liz. Liz could be the queen of Australia, maybe the world. Liz is someone out of the very little list of the people I look up to, other than my mum of course.

Liz is like another mother figure to me as when I was young Liz looked after me when my mum went work this is because my dad had a disability and couldn't work, so mum had to. So that's why we had many playdates so Liz could look after me and Luke. Plus it would save mum on money as Liz refused to take money. So if she instead got me a nanny or a baby sitter, then she'd have to pay and she found it difficult to pay rent never mind babysitters.

Anyway where was I? Oh yes names, whilst Luke's name was just perfect I had the opposite of perfect name, Spencer. Yes I am aware of that being a boy name, but when I was born which was 5 hours after Luke, my mum wanted a boy and since Spencer is a boys name and a girls as well she called me that. I hate it but what can you do. My style was like punk rock, so like the style like Luke's, skinny jeans and tops. But I would also dress a little girly. Sometimes I would combine the two.

When it comes to friends, other than me Luke has 3 other friends who aren't as close as we are, they're names are...
1) Michael. Him and Luke weren't the best of friends at first. Well when Mickey aka Michael was in year 10 he and Luke despised each other, but now they seem to be nearly as close as Luke and me, muke AF, Michael also dyes his hair! Nearly every freaking month I think, you'd think he'd run out of colours. When first meeting Mickey the first thing that popped to mind is his he looks like a kitten
2) Calum. He was Friends with Mickey, so he hated Luke but when Luke and mickey came fried ms they did too. Cal aka Calum, looks Asian which he is often referred to, but really he is kiwi which I find so cool!
3) Ashton. Ashton is the oldest out of us all. He met the lads or Mickey online and became friends very quick, except the day that we all met him, he was wearing the worlds horrid purple top. We still laugh about that to this day.

Me on the other hand doesn't have any friends other than those four, but I enjoy being friends with them. It's nice it gets a little annoying being the only girl but hey there boys what do you expect!

This book is now enrolled into watty2015 it's a contest, just follow the wattpad profile and see one of there books which explains it, I've taken a pledge to write 10,000 words by the end of this August so that's what I'm gonna do. So anyway I'm joining #wattys2015 with this book.So please make sure to read it and since I'm starting it all over again I recommend u to re read it and then can u please give it a shout out on Twitter with the #OMGwattys with the link to my story aswell as vote.
This is an opportunity of a life time and I'd really like to win it so please go and vote,and then give it a shout out on Twitter with then #OMGwattys and the link to the story I would mean the world to me so GoGoGo thnks xxxxxxxxxx

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