Chapter 6

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Warning this chapter has self harm in it so if u get triggered or something easy skip it till the dotted line

I woke up needing a toilet it was like 4 am. I get up I feel pain. I go to the toilet as I get to the toilet I do my business flush the toilet and wash my hands. I then look in the mirror. My eyes are red tear stains are all over my face. I'm ugly. I'm useless. No one loves me. I cause pain for people. I have no one. I'm lonely.

I go through my draws until I find it, a nice shiny sharp object. I stare at it and slowly bring it up to my wrist and cut a big cut letting blood come out

That's for being useless, cut
That's for being fat, cut
That for being an ugly slut, cut

I let the blood flow out, I just sit there until darkness takes over me

' tonight is the one thing left, and I haven't said it yet I'm-

I wake up seeing my phone ringing it was next to me on the bath room floor

"Hey spence" i heard Luke's voice
"Luke what ups" I say weakly
"Nothin just wondering how are you"
"I'm fine Luke, just fine, anyway this isn't a good time, I'll see you later in school, yeah"
"Yeah bye" he says hanging up

I'm covered in blood. So I have a shower and just put some skinny jeans in a a white tee. I wear some bracelets covering my cuts and put a black longsleeved leather jacket on. I put my hair in a high pony, I put some makeup on and make my way down stairs, seeying my mum, I can't look at her right now. I then see Michael. God no she's gonna bloody interview him

"So Michael, what do you plan for when you finish school?"
" me and Luke and a couple of others are in a band so that's what I plan on doing ma'am"
"Okay, do you plan on doing any drugs, or being associated with drugs or becoming an alcoholic"
" no, I plan just making music"
"Spemcer has panic attacks and anxiety, so if she is having one and it's just you two, what do you do? A) take her hospital b) get,Luke or c)calm her down"
"I get Luke ma'am"
"Good, as only Luke can calm her down so that eliminates c and Spencer hates hospital so not a then, what if Luke is t around" my mum asks
"I call him over then phone or FaceTime and give the phone to her" he replies
"Good, and last questions, what are your intentions with my daughter"
"My intentions are to take her out tonight, with your permission of course"
" yes, you can now hurry up kids you'll be late"
"K bye" I mumble
"By Spence" she says
But tbh I can't bare to speak to her.

" so your taking ,me out tonight eh?"
"Yeah dress casual"


Yay I'm getting more views, please comment, and vote and if you want to pm me then do so as I'm frequently on wattpad and it gets boring sometimes xxxx

Ps. Pll fanlie OMG IM gonna give a spoiler so quickly skip

CeCe drake is Charles and A wtf

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