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How come i didn't know about this till now?! Seungmin asked after finding out the new information you were busy okay!! Bong cha argues back you could've atleast sent me a text!? Seungmin shakes bong Chan by the shoulders okay okay I got now let go I'm dizzy! Bong cha yelps trying to steady herself

Fine but you still should've told me earlier seungmin pulls his hands back and pouts alright I got it you big baby, I have to head off now enjoy your food bong cha ruffles his hair and walks out

Seungmin grabs the food turning on a kdrama waiting for hyunjins text


No?! I'm not just going to stop seeing him!? Hyunjin slams his hand down on the table enraged with his choices hyun- his manager tries to get a word out but fails miserably don't 'hyun' me, I love him with all my heart and just letting him go like that?! Are you fucking crazy?! You know we have the power to stop this and protect him yet your deciding for me and him to suffer?! Hyunjin spits out refusing for this to continue

Hyunjin sit down first and let me explain! His manager demands his ears already ringing from the yelling

Hyunjin huffs and plops back down on his chair okay, you know the more you hold onto him the more he's going to suffer? He's terrified of being the center of attention, he's terrified of being in public or you let him go he won't have to suffer from your fame his manager says in a calmingish tone

I know what your doing, don't try and gaslight me. I know this is hard for him but if you just let me go and explain to everyone things will lift hyunjin pleads for a better way out of this hyun I don't know what else to tell you... his manager looks down at his lap

What you can tell me is that I can stay with seungmin and we can figure out something better for us hyunjin explains hurriedly there's only so much we can do dont you understand? His manager argues back yeah but there's a whole lot that I can do so just let me handle it! Hyunjin stands up again

Fine, I'll give you a week starting from Monday and if it's not settled by then than you are cutting ties with him, I don't care how  you feel his manager also stands up fine! Watch me! Hyunjin scuttles out the room leaving his manager enraged


Hyunjin storms out the building, his rage getting smacked with the cold wind outside, he decides to just walk home as it's not too far from the company plus it's also a way to just try clear his mind

What would seungmin be doing right now... his mind trails off as he stuffs his hands in his pockets letting the wind brush past his face as he strolls down the footpath, luckily it was late and no one was around otherwise he'd be getting bombarded with fans

Which he couldn't be bothered to deal with right at this moment

The streets were empty with only a few cars passing, the sky was clear, stars shining brightly while there was just the right amount of wind blowing, not to cold not too heavy

Hyunjin made it back soon enough feeling just a bit better though excited to text seungmin

He scuttled to the elevator not bothering to acknowledge the front desk rushing to get back

Just as he stepped foot in his apartment, his phone was ripped out his pocket as he texted seungmin


I'm homeeeeeeee
Are you free?
I wanna calllllll

Woah slow down there buddy
Yeah I can call
Ready when you are

Hyunjin jumped in excitement chucking his shoes off and sprinting to his bedroom, pressing the call button just as he sat on his bed

"Hiii babyyyyyy" hyunjin cooed putting his phone to his ear "hi hyun, how was the meeting?" Seungmin asks unaware of the earlier events "uh, rather not talk about it, what have you been doinggg?" Hyunjin changes the subject quickly off the topic

"Just eating oh and I found off that bong chan and ha yun are dating! Like what?!" Seungmin yells from the other line causing a smile to form on hyunjin face

The sweet sound of his boyfriends voice echoed in his mind day and night, if only this wasn't so complicated


The next day was hectic, it was the Sunday before the countdown started and hyunjin was everywhere finding different solutions and scheduling interviews with different radio stations

Seungmin on the other hand still had no clue what was going on though he had a suspicion it was something as hyunjin normally tells him everything

Yeah no he hasn't talked to me at all today apart from a good morning seungmin rants to his friends over call as there's nothing better to do

Yeah that's not like him at all Felix says, his hand at his chin like he's thinking maybe you could try calling him instead of texting jisung says looking away from his show oh yeah I'll give that a try I'll be back you guys hang seungmin says before leaving the FaceTime quickly, dialling hyunjins number

The line rang 4 times before hyunjin picked up which wasn't like him at all



Jinnieeeee you actually picked upppp

Minnie! I didn't realize it was you oh my god

Oh.. well what are you doing?

Uh I'm a little busy right now I'll call you back later?


Promise I'll call you tonight

Okay.. bye..

Bye min I love you

Love you too

Call ended

Seungmin slowly lowered his phone from his ear staring into the wall lifelessly. Hyunjin never acted like that with him so what's with the sudden change?

The boy almost dropped his phone as his arm dropped to his side feeling like all the power in his body depleted in the span of one call, how could he do this to him?


Haha I finally posted 😃

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