Entry 1 By Laura Bullion

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My glory days were in a distant past, at least a year back. The time of the locomotive had started but one name has stayed with me all this time.

Robert Sanderson. He was a police officer on the train. Why, I’d be lying if  I didn't say I thought he was quite handsome when angry with me. I’m writing this now since I saw him enter my shop. He was quite flustered, shaken up as they'd say. His uniform was ripped up. When he saw me oh my, his face had an expression one would not forget easily.

I had to suppress a low chuckle from escaping me, he was still a client after all. I quickly took his clothing to the back and as I took his measurements he talked to me about an ever fateful night. The night of my heist.

It was about 7:40 pm as one would suppose. Everyone on the train was gathered in the dining hall and away from the sleeping quarters.

I had planned this as you couldn't have fathomed, I even planed for Mr. and Ms. Cutrany to have a spat today to drag away the ever dashing Officer Sanderson away from the train's vault. All it took was a rumor or two and a few touches on Mr.Cutrany for his Ms. to be calling me a temptress, and of course my darling officer played right into my plan. He jumped in to defend me and to stop the fight allowing me to slip away into the darkness of the vault carriage.

It was difficult to see but I could just barely make out the handle in the darkness. I use a bit of oil to make turning it silent and easilier for I'm just a weak-armed woman who couldn’t possibly do anything without a man. Well I’ve certainly proved that to be false haven't I?

I turned the handle swiftly, opening the door to the vault and hurriedly putting gold and gems alike into my purse. After I had filled my bag I had to quickly exit but on my way out I incidentally bumped heads with Officer Sanderson. I tried to say something along the lines of how I had to exit because my mother was in a nearby infirmary, an obvious lie on my part but Officer Sanderson couldn’t stand to see me leave it seemed. He followed me home to guard me as he said and wished me a farewell after kissing my hand and departing.

I had been wondering what had happened to that doe eyed man. He still is quite cute after a year. Maybe my glory days weren’t really such a distant past after all.

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