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Chapter 2

Xira was currently in the forbidden area of the island -The WolfWing territory. Their talons were clinging to a branch. They opened the book that Cisco had got for them.  Carefully, they looked around for other dragons. Then they looked at the page to see words and drawings of a tribe called ‘RainWings.’ “What kind of tribe is this?” Xira whispered to herself. Flipping to the next page she saw a tribe called the ‘SilkWings’ and again she was curious and confused. Then  a twig snapped nearby. Xira quickly closed the book and looked around.

Looking at the ground they saw a WolfWing with brown fur and a tan underbelly. “I thought that they were extinct!” Xira thought. They watched the WolfWing curiously. Hiding the book in between some big feathers on their back they flew down to meet the Wolfwing.

“Hello! I'm Xira!” Xira said enthusiastically, scaring the WolfWing.

The WolfWing turned around looking at Xira. “Wha- but- I didn't hear you! And oh my bones! What tribe are you?!” The WolfWing said, and looked at Xira and circled around them.

“OK first, I should be asking you the questions, and I thought you guys went extinct! And ‘oh my bones’? Is that like a swear?! Also are you wearing glasses?! Oh my red moon! Your eyes are so green!!” Xira said, jumping up and down from excitement.

“Ok, well… My name's Lupa and yes WolfWings are supposed to be extinct, but.. some survived! Like me although I'm currently a lone one as my pack died in the war. And yes these are glasses!” Lupa said while looking at a nearby bug. “Your turn!”

“Oh! My name's Xira and I dunno where I came from although I'm on a journey to the SealWings to see where I came from!” Xira answered back.

“What fun! Can I join?” Lupa replied, looking at Xira and tilting her head.

“Of course! But first I'm looking for something.” Xira said.

Flash back Xira POV
Xira was a 3 year old dragonet at this time. Her mother -Dilly- was flying next to them heading to a part of the island Xira never went to before.

“mOm WhErE aRe wE gOiNg??” Xira asked, her voice wavering a bit as they were flying from the Sparrows, a high class Troupe of guards.

Dilly looked at her child before replying “Somewhere my love, somewhere I hope you NEVER have to go to again…” Dilly smiled and looked behind her to see she couldn't find the Sparrows anymore probably to go report back to the SealWing Queen -Queen Squelch- meaning that she had to hurry.

Time skip

Landing Xira dropped their wings onto their sides tired from the long flight. Nearly collapsing.

“Mom? What are we doing here?” Xira asked as Dilly was digging a hole into the dirt her paws making it harder to dig.

“Shush now child and please help me.” Dilly said not looking up. Xira nodded and walked over to help.

When they were done digging Dilly took out a box. “Before I open this you must promise me to never use this until it's something important and I'm not there.” Dilly said, having a serious look onto her face.

“Of course mother!” Xira replied, Dilly giving her a look and sighed, opening the box.

End of flashback

Xira looked around, tears starting to form at the memory of their mother and them on that day, the day that they had to leave another clan.

“Uhm.. are you crying Xira?” Lupa said, breaking Xira from their thoughts.

“Oh what no- psht no! my eyes are just sweating!” Xira said nervously, laughing as they looked away wiping their eyes.

“Ok.. just remember I'm always here!” Lupa said, smiling slightly.

“Yeah, yeah, you and I just met, we aren't even friends!! Let's just continue..” Xira said, frowning slightly as they walked ahead.

Lupa sighed looking at Xira and followed them. Xira continues to walk silently looking around trying to see if she can remember any of these trees.

“Hey Lupa where is the nearest-” Before Xira could finish speaking they get tackled to the ground. Lupa screeched and backed up.

“Xira!! I missed you sooo much!!” A voice said Xira looked at the stranger and smiled widely.

“Sky!! What are you doing here!!” Xira yelled happily.

The CloudWing smiled brightly. “Oh well you know… running away from my mom!!” Sky said, making Xira gasp.

‘Finally! She escaped that horrid place!’ Xira thought happily. “Please tell me your moms reaction! I need to know that your mother of yours isn't only a bad queen but as a mother!” Xira exclaimed.

“She sent out ten search parties in almost every direction! She is going to ground me so much if she finds me!” Sky said, getting off Xira and backing up. “Oh and who's this?” Sky said, pointing to Lupa.

“That's Lupa and your mother will never find you under my watch!!” Xira said. “Anyways while flying did you see a really big tree? Like really really big?” Xira asked, looking at Sky.

“Yup! Want me to show you the way?” Sky asked back.

Xira nodded as Sky started to walk. Lupa Sky and Xira all started to walk but Xira hung back. she noticed the brown book started to peep out her feathers on her back. They quickly looked at the other two before putting the book back where it was supposed to be.

Once they arrived at their destination looking at the huge tree Xira started to cry a little remembering the memories in this place.

Flash back!!
Xira was happily giggling as she started hanging from the tree’s branches looking at her mother and her mothers mate. Ace, Dilly laughed sadly at Xira knowing full well what's gonna happen next.

Soon a shadow figure showed up. “Ace… Dilly… where's what I want” The dragon spoke, surprising Xira nearly making them fall off the branch.

“Look w-we don't have it-” Ace started but before he could finish the mysterious dragon growled as they jumped out of the shadows grabbing Ace's neck.

Xira looked surprised at the dragon and blinked as they had feathers like Xira but pink and yellow.

Xira, too shocked to even process, doesn't notice the dragon killing their father. They soon snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her mother scream.

Xira followed their mother to her mate. “Mommy? What's wrong with daddy?” Xira said their voice spoke up.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the dragon look at her in surprise before sliding a cloak over them and disappearing into the shadows.

“Daddys just… sleeping honey” Dilly said trying to not cry.

Flash back end.

Wooooo!!!! Chapter 2 done :3

So Xira actually had a father this whole time just dead-

Haha how funn

Anyways ima do a Q+A if I hit 100 views >:0

So! Let's get there shall we???

Nifty outttt-


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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