Birthday Surprise Section 2: Jimmy

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Tomorrow is Jess' birthday, I told her that I have plans but in reality, I'm going to see her. I have been planning this since we got back together, I know I'm really bad at keeping secrets but I have worked hard on this and I don't want to ruin the surprise. Everyone at work is still clueless about our relationship and we want to keep it that way so I've told them I am going to visit family and I have arranged for Victoria to stay with my in-laws.

It's almost 9 and my flight leaves at 10:30 so I need to get all of my things packed for the weekend. I know Jess isn't a fan of receiving gifts but I bought her this gorgeous gold butterfly necklace. Most people don't know but Jess absolutely adores butterflies and I also know that she only wears gold jewelry. I also bought her this vintage Polaroid camera, she's talked about wanting one for a while but has never gotten around to buying one for herself. I'm sure that she'll love these things but I also know that she'll be more grateful for my presence rather than the gifts and I am more than okay with that.

I don't know why I'm so nervous, it's not like it's our first date but it is our first life event since getting back together so it feels like a lot is riding on this weekend. I did text her and tell her that I had some surprises for her but I don't think she has any idea that I'm coming. I would call her but I know that as soon as I say anything she'll know something is up, I can't lie to save my life. I think I'll feel more at ease once I board the plane.

On the plane, all I can think about is what exactly I'm going to say to her when I get there. I know she probably won't hear a word I say but I kind of want it to be perfect. By the time the plane started to descend, I finally settled on the classic "Happy Birthday" and I know it's simple but it just feels right. As soon as I collected my luggage from the baggage claim, I called for an Uber to take me straight to Jess' apartment, but first I had to stop and get her some flowers.

When I stepped out of the car, it all hit me, I pulled this off. Jess hates surprises but I have a feeling she won't be too angry about this one. I pulled out my phone to text her.

JIMMY: Hey gorgeous, just wanted to see if you have any plans tonight. I would really love to see your beautiful face. ;)

JESS: I'm completely free, I was looking forward to seeing and talking to you tonight. I'll call you in a minute.

JIMMY: Give me a few minutes. I'm looking forward to seeing you too.

She still has no clue, perfect. I put my phone into my pocket and then started heading to her apartment. When I got to her door, I took a few deep breaths and then knocked. She cautiously opened the door and I saw her eyes light up when she saw my face.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," I recited, just like I had been practicing for my entire flight.

"Jimmy, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you already had plans. Wait, I don't care, you're here," Jess shrieked in excitement.

She jumped into my arms before I could even get a word out, then kissed me with a great deal of enthusiasm.

"I did tell you I had plans and this was my plan. I've been concocting this surprise since we started seeing each other again. Do you know how hard this was? I am a very bad liar and I am pleasantly surprised that I pulled this off," I replied.

Jess fervently dragged me into her apartment. She seems a lot happier than I imagined she would be but I'm not complaining. I am equally as happy to be here, there is nowhere I would rather be than here with her. She couldn't stop smiling and I could see on her face that I had given her the perfect birthday gift.

"Jimmy, this is all I wanted for my birthday, I only wanted you to be here with me. I don't know how you did it and I don't care but I don't think I've ever been this happy," she professed.

"I figured as much, I wanted to make this weekend the perfect birthday celebration for you and that started with me showing up," I explained.

"You know me so well. I didn't want to make you feel bad but I was a little upset that you weren't going to be here. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're actually here. This weekend just got a whole lot better. I don't think I can even explain how much I love you," she confessed shyly.

My plan worked flawlessly, there's nothing I wanted more than to make Jess happy. Jess and I sat on her couch talking for hours until it was finally midnight.

"Happy birthday! I can say that now because it's officially your birthday," I proclaimed.

She blushed and smiled at me shyly before saying, "Thank you, Jimmy, this is the best birthday that I've ever had and I have a feeling it's only going to get better."

"You have no idea, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, but you'll have to wait to see them," I returned.

She smiled and kissed me lightly. After a few more minutes of joyful conversation, we decided we should retire to the bedroom because I informed her we'd need a good night's sleep for the rest of our weekend plans. I haven't slept as well as I did that night embracing her as she tranquilly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning when I woke, I found that Jess was still asleep. I could've watched her sleep for hours but she woke shortly after me. After she woke, Jess turned towards me and smiled brightly, and said, "I haven't slept that well in a long time but I'm even happier to be waking up next to you. I've missed this, I forgot how peaceful it is to sleep next to the person you love."

I beamed at her loving words and replied with, "Well, that makes two of us. We should do this more often, my love."

We laid there for a while longer nestled in each other's arms. However, I had to cut the moment short so we could get ready for the day. I had a few activities planned for the two of us to do together, all of which are Jess' favorite things. To begin, we would go eat breakfast at her favorite café, then we would spend the day at the beach surfing and enjoying each other's company, I also got us reservations at the same Italian restaurant where we reconnected. Hopefully, if all goes as planned, Jess will have the most memorable birthday. 

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