Strange Woman

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Dawn had finally come

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Dawn had finally come. The sun peeked through the windows of the room, waking Pixie. Her eyes fluttered open, but before she had a chance to look around, a pair of hands gently lifted her off the floor. Pixie suddenly hissed, arching her back in pain as she was lifted. "Hm? Are you hurt?"

Pixie looked up to meet eyes with Gaston. "My ribs.." She shuddered, putting a hand on his shoulder for support. "Ah. The pain medication has probably worn off now.. I'm sorry, Pixie, but I have to lift you and put you in bed. Laying on the hard floor will only make it worse." Gaston furrowed his brows, beginning to slowly move her again. Pixie tried to keep her cries of pain to a minimum, gripping his coat and burying her face in his neck to stifle her cries.

Once she was gently laid down on the soft bed, Gaston gently cupped her cheek. "I'm so sorry, Madam. I will have Lefou head to the doctor for more medicine." He told her, slowly removing his hand and heading for the door to loudly call Lefou.

Pixie watched him for a second, looking away and yawning as she closed her eyes again.

Once the shorter man had answered and been given his duty for the morning, Gaston closed his door back and tended to Pixie, crouching next to her to get a better look at her. "Where did you come from? I've never seen any woman like you before.." He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Um... a valley. Far away from here. It might not even be in this dimension.." Pixie responded, opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling. She glanced at Gaston, seeing his brows furrowed and his eyes squinted in confusion. "World. I'm not from this world." She giggled, correcting herself so he could understand. "Aahh, I see." He nodded, unable to stop himself from resisting her adorable giggles.

"There's.. a separate version of you in my world." Pixie told him. Gaston didn't know whether to genuinely believe her or maybe.. take her down to the asylum. He just played along for the moment. "Oh? Is he as handsome as me?" He asked jokingly. Pixie nodded, reaching out to cup his face. "Mmm, I'd argue you're a little more handsome." She mumbled with a smile.

Gaston smirked and leaned in a little closer. "I guess the only person more handsome than Gaston.. is Gaston." He chuckled, earning another giggle from Pixie. "But.. I suppose you could say we're.. a thing." She continued, resting her hand on her ribs. "And by thing, you mean..." Gaston trailed off, gently taking her hand.

"Dating." Pixie smiled slightly, gently running her fingers over the ruby ring on his finger.

Gaston couldn't believe what he was hearing. Now he was certain this beautiful maiden of a woman was completely insane. Did she hit her head as well, perhaps?

"I see.." Was all Gaston could muster to say. ".. you don't believe me, do you?" Pixie asked, eyeing him.

"Nono, I do, it just.. doesn't make a lot of sense to me." Gaston shook his head, staring into her eyes. "Last night wasn't proof enough? How about my hair? Or,, the fact that I literally have a canine nose?" Pixie sat up slightly, carefully turning to her side to face him. "I thought it was a strange birthmark." Gaston replied, now focusing his attention on her nose, which was indeed the triangular shape of a canine's.

ℐ𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓇𝒹𝒾𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓈𝒾ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸ℯ𝓈𝓈 (Gaston x OC)Where stories live. Discover now