Sleepy Fox

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"Are you absolutely sure no one's gonna freak out on me if I go in there?" Pixie asked as she sat on a crate outside the tavern, enjoying a cupcake Gaston got her from the bakery.

"Positive." Gaston responded bluntly, glaring straight ahead with crossed arms. Pixie had already transformed and the people around town didn't say much, but did offer some concerned glances.

Pixie raised a brow. "Are you still mad at me?" She asked softly. "If I said yes..?" Gaston turned to her.

"Look, I said I was sorry, okay?! I didn't know they would react like that, I'm used to having people just ignore me and let me wear what I want!" Pixie frowned.

Gaston sighed, but didn't say anything right away. He turned to face her, approaching her. "That's not how things work here. Don't let that happen again, Pixie. You are to wear clothing that covers your stomach at all times. Am I understood?" He asked. Pixie tilted her head. "Who are you, my dad?" She blinked before laughing sarcastically.

Gaston suddenly stepped forward, hooking one of his fingers underneath her black choker and tugging it towards him. "Watch how you talk to me, Pixie." He whispered lowly, glaring into her eyes.

Her eyes widened and her ears pinned themselves back as she just stared at him. Pixie didn't know how to feel in his moment. He knew what he was doing. There was no way he didn't.

Once he let her collar go, he brushed his thumb against her cheek before turning to head inside. Pixie could feel herself blushing, rubbing her cheek as she looked down. "Asshole." She muttered under her breath as she slid off her crate to follow him.

"What was that?" Gaston asked, turning to face her again. Pixie, yawning, shook her head and walked past him without a word.

There weren't that many people in the tavern just yet, so there weren't that many people gasping at Pixie. "I think I might have a mug.. I'm tired." She mumbled, pretending she hadn't heard one woman screech and faint.

Gaston, watching to make sure none of the townsfolk tried to rush Pixie, nodded and picked her up, allowing her to see the menu. In Gaston's arms, Pixie eyed the menu, tilting her head. "Anything sweet? I really need sugar." She asked with another yawn. "Well, no. The sweets are at the bakery.. which is closed now." Gaston tilted his head, shifting to hold her on his hip.

"Dammit." Pixie uttered, her ears flattening again. "Stop with the language." Gaston frowned, lightly smacking her bottom. Pixie squeaked, glaring up at him as he placed an order. "My regular, and just a small amount for the lady." He reached into his pocket for a few coins.

"That cupcake wasn't enough sugar?" Gaston asked. "Not nearly. I haven't had sugar in days, one tiny little cupcake isn't enough to perk me up." Pixie explained.

"And.. what happens if you don't get enough sugar?" Gaston looked down at her, to which she stared at him for a second before turning away to yawn.

Their order of ale was served and Gaston handed Pixie her metal mug before grabbing his and going to sit in his usual chair.


The night went on with the bar goers singing and dancing like usual, even Gaston was singing on tables. Pixie just watched, tired out of her mind. Since it was far too noisy for her to sleep, she just stared, her ears drooping.

Hopping down, Gaston approached Pixie with a smile. "How was that? I wish you would have gotten up there with me, I-.. Are you well, Pixie?" He furrowed his brows when he noticed her dead tired state.

"I'm fine. Just ready to sleep." Pixie yawned, looking around the room. She noticed a gold and white harp in the corner and slowly stood to approach it. She began to strum the harp, catching the attention of the villagers, who began to quiet down and listen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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ℐ𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓇𝒹𝒾𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓈𝒾ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸ℯ𝓈𝓈 (Gaston x OC)Where stories live. Discover now