✷ 024: Morning Lecture.

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TOO FAMOUS !      by KissLeclerc
February 12, 2024    #    "NO WHAT."

WAKING UP TO HER blaring alarm, Devyn stirred in her sleep before nearly falling off the bed. Completely forgetting that Ollie was asleep beside her, but the boy in question had thankfully prevented her fall as his reflexes caught her in time.

"Jesus christ—" She grumbled, her eyes half open as she reached over towards her shelf to shut the phone alarm off before looking down to see Ollie had easily went back to sleep.

Yawning and stretching in place, the girl had effortlessly slipped out of bed, knowing the time was 6:00AM, the usual time she'd wake up for class, choosing to let Ollie continue sleeping before preparing to go ahead and make her way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Grabbing her bathroom caddy and other essentials, the girl picked up her keys along with another fresh set of pajamas before exiting her room.

After a brief shower that fully woke her up, Devyn felt refreshed as she did her skin care routine and slipped on a warm pair of pajamas to comfortably lounge around in while she continued to get ready back in her room.

"Goodmorning." Ollie had probably heard the girl re-enter the dorm as his voice was muffled into her bed sheets. The boy now laying stomach first, opposed to the side position he was in all night.

"Morning." Devyn laughed at his state as she set down her things. "Come on." She said with a yawn and walked toward the bed.

"Time to get up!" The girl reached forward to slap his butt.

Lifting his head up from her pillows in surprise, she snickered as he stared at her through tired eyes, trying to process if what she did was real.  "I won't even complain." Ollie laughed, his grin widening as he nestled deeper into the sheets. "I'll be up. Just give me 5 more minutes."

"How long do you usually take to get ready?"

"Like 10 minutes," The boy replied, his head still nuzzled into the pillows.

"Oh," Her response held a hint of surprise. "Yeah, so you can sleep for like another hour then."

"What?—What time is it?" His confusion was evident as he glanced up.

"6:30," She replied.

"But your class isn't until 8 though?" Ollie's eyebrows shot up in disbelief, his tired eyes trying to adjust to her lamp that she had just turned on.

"Well yeah... but I have to get ready..."  Devyn looked at him as if he was the stupidest person alive. "I take my time."

"Right..." He nodded. His sudden burst of surprise completely waking him up as he was now sitting up right.

"You can go back to sleep, it's okay!" She insisted. Taking a seat at her desk. "No—It's all good, I'm already up." He shrugged. "Plus, we only have today left. Might as well spend every second I can with you."

"Someone's clingy..." Devyn snickered as she pushed her front pieces of hair back with clips, proceeding to start her makeup routine.

"Can you blame me?" Ollie asked as a roll of her eyes came in response. A small scoff escaping her lips. "Corny. I know." He smiled, already knowing what she was going to say.

"Took the words right out of my mouth!" She laughed, sending him a small wink as he finally got out of bed.

"Well, I'm gonna go to the lou." He explained, walking over to his duffel bag to pull out his bathroom essentials. "Will be right back." He smiled before exiting her dorm.

Too Famous  ✷  Ollie BearmanWhere stories live. Discover now