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We see Izuku waiting at the Spot Gwen agreed to meet him at as she hangs upside down

Gwen: Hey

Izuku Looked to his side and Blushed 

Izuku Looked to his side and Blushed 

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Izuku: H-Hey Gwen 

Gwen: Ready for Training

Izuku: Y-Yea oh and Your Hair Looks a Lot nicer

Gwen: *Pouts* Thank you 

Izuku: "Tsundere....cute"

Gwen: Okay who teaches who first 

Izuku: How about you Teach me first 

Gwen: Okay now your Whips can't stick can they

Izuku: No

Gwen: Okay so our best bet is making sure it grabs onto Objects Lets test this Swing from that Lamp post to the other 

Izuku did as he was told and swung from Lamp post to lamp post 

Gwen: Okay Okay Good don't be afraid to do tricks 

Izuku: Why

Gwen: It gives the People a sense of fun and safe plus you'll have to do some Tricks to Get in and Out of Tight Areas

Gwen used her web to swing and dive into a Tight space and Weave inbetween many objects 

Gwen: See

Izuku Nodded and did the Same thing but hit his Head off a Pipe 

Gwen: hehehe we have a Lot of work to do

Izuku: *Swirly eyes* uh huh

Gwen helped him up as she showed him how to swing around and he did as he was Swinging down Allies with her and learning the basics as at one point he launched himself in the air and swung towards the ground and did a sideways spin then a flip and Landed on a Train Roof 

Gwen: Not Bad big Guy

Izuku: Thanks hey could one dance in the sky

Gwen: uhhh n-

Izuku: It'd be a really nice Sky dancing

Gwen: okay Enough

Izuku Laughed as they went back to their training grounds 

Gwen: Your Turn 

Izuku: to Punch you pull back and go forward

Gwen: *Sarcastic* oh wow I never knew that

Izuku: Sarcasm

Gwen: Yea

Izuku: okay when punching you don't want to through front Punches,or Right Hooks constantly

Gwen: Okay what do you suggest

Izuku: Downward punches to the face,Uppercuts,Gut Punches and punches to the back of the head 

Gwen: Okay I can do that

Gwen tried it but Izuku was able to counter them which made Gwen a Little mad but Izuku showed her how to do it and even helped her improve her fighting style as Both are training Gwen went for a downward punch but tripped and fell on Izuku

Both: Ahh

They Landed and laughed as Gwen was on top of Izuku and both looked in each other's eyes 

They Landed and laughed as Gwen was on top of Izuku and both looked in each other's eyes 

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Both moved closer and were gonna Kiss until


Gwen and Izuku got off each other and stood up

Inko: Oh there You are who's this 

Izuku: Oh Mom this is Gwen The Girl you've heard about

Gwen: Hello Maam Gwen Stacy *smiles* 

Inko: hey is your Mom Helen Stacy 

Gwen: Yes why

Inko: I Knew her in Highschool 

Gwen: Really

Inko: Yea we were Enemies turned friends 

Gwen: Here's her umber

Inko: Thanks oh and you made my son smile after his breakup Thank you

Gwen: Oh your uhh welcome

Inko: *Looking at them*

Inko: Your were gonna kiss

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Inko: Your were gonna kiss

Both: *blush* NO

Izuku: *Blushing* what did you need mom

Inko: Oh your dad broke his arm and I need to take him to the ER 

Hisashi: *In the background* HURRY UP WOMAN 

Izuku: and Eri's alone

Gwen: Who's Eri

Izuku: My adoptive Daughter

Gwen: Ohhh The one you said you rescued from the Yakuza

Izuku: Yea gotta cut the date short

Gwen: it's okay wait date

Izuku: *Blushing* Gotta go

Izuku sped off as Inko was smirking and Gwen left blushing as Inko too Hisashi to the ER





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