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It has been one Year since Izuku's Fight with Doom and Things have been Perfect as Doom and Esdeath were Good Grandparents and even Better Great Grandparents and Hisashi was Happy Having his mom in his life and his dad Too but Izuku was Really Happy having a Big complete Family and Him and Gwen had a Fantastic Relationship as SHoka Became Friends with the Both of Them and We cut to Izuku walking up to his dad and Grandpa

Izuku: Grandpa How did you Propose to Grandma

Doctor Doom: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA YOU THINK I PROPOSE HAHAHAHAHAHA She practically forced me into a Marriage 

Izuku: Ouch

Hisashi: Why are you asking

Izuku: I want to Propose to Gwen 

Hisashi: Seriously 

Izuku: Yea I am

Doctor Doom: In That case I'll Help You

Hisashi: I'll Help Too

Izuku: Good I Got The Engagement Ring I Need Help setting up a Dinner Just the Two of Us 

Doctor Doom: My castle COurtyard was Fixed up

Izuku: Perfect

Hisashi: Oo You should Make a Song 

Izuku: I did Set Things up and I'll Go tell Gwen

Both: Okay

Izuku Ran fast and Found gwen

Izuku: GWEN

Gwen: AAAH *Kicks Neito in the Dick*

Neito: Oooo my Dick *Falls over* 

Izuku: Meet me in my Grandpa's Courtyard and wear something Nice at 6:00

Gwen: Okayyyy

Izuku: Great

He sped out of there as Gwen went and told Inko and Helen

Both: He did something stupid 

Eri: Knowing Daddy Yes he did 

Gwen: Okay Lets get me Ready

Inko: We got this

Helen: Yes

*Hours later*

We see Izuku waiting 

Izuku: Come on Gwen where are you

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Izuku: Come on Gwen where are you

???: You Look Nice 

Izuku Turned and was stunned by beauty 

Izuku Turned and was stunned by beauty 

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Gwen: Hey

Izuku: *Blushing* Hey You look Beautiful 

Gwen: Thank You

Izuku: Oh here's Dinner *Pulls her chair out*

Izuku: Oh here's Dinner *Pulls her chair out*

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Gwen: Thanks 

Izuku: Your welcome Tonights Dinner is Wine and Wagyu Steak 

Gwen: Suspicious do something dumb

Izuku:.......*Remembers fighting bear with Eri* Nope 

Gwen: Well lets Eat

Izuku: yes 

Gwen Took a Bite of the Steak and was mind Blown

Gwen: Whoa 

Izuku: Good Right

Gwen:: Yea it is 

Izuku: Thanks I cooked it 

Gwen: Your an Amazing Boyfriend

Izuku: *Cocky Smile* I Know 

 Gwen: Cocky are we 

Izuku: A Little

Gwen smiled as They Talked and enjoyed their dinner and at the end 

Gwen: so why did you have me Out here

Izuku: Well I want to sing you a SOng

Gwen: Okay Go a AHead 

Izuku Turned on his Boom Box and began to sing

after the song Gwen was shocked as Izuku was on one Knee holding the Ring 

Izuku: Gwen Stacy You Brought me back from a dark place,Healed my Heart and Made me the Happiest Man on earth now let me Make you the Happiest Woman on earth, Will You Marry Me 

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Izuku: Gwen Stacy You Brought me back from a dark place,Healed my Heart and Made me the Happiest Man on earth now let me Make you the Happiest Woman on earth, Will You Marry Me 


Izuku put the ring on her finger and then she Kissed him as They heard clapping and Izuku saw His Mom and new Mother in law in happy tears

Inko: YOur Getting Married 

Neito: Holy Shit

Gwen: We have to Get to planning immediately 

Izuku: Yes

Everyone Celebrated with glasses of Champaign as Eri was happy and was gonna be the Flower girl



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