Chapter 3~

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Ariana's POV




I slammed the top of my alarm clock. I checked the time. '6:30' It read. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower. The warm water covered every part of my body, I felt calm. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

I took out a plain V- neck T- Shirt and tucked it in to a pair of black skinny jeans. I wore a gray scarf around my neck. I put my black leather jacket with silver studs on the shoulders and put it on. I then grabbed my bag and swung ut over my shoulders. I walked upto my dresser and straightened all of my hair. I applied some make up.

I walked down stairs and my mom was eating breakfast. There was a plate of food next to hers. "Good Morning Mom!" I said and grabbed some toast.

"Good morning sweety! Hurry up, you dont want to be late for school." I took a sip of some orange juice.

"Okay, catcha later, mom!" I said.

"Bye hun!"

I started walking towards school when I saw someone with a motorcycle slowing down.

"Hey, cupcake? Want a ride?" I knew who that was, Only Zayn calls me 'Cupcake'.

I looked over to him. "No thanks, I can walk"

"Cmon babe, you don't wanna be late do you?" He asked


"Then hop on"

I got on his bike and held on to his waist.

His body tensed up as I held on to him.

"Arent you gonna gimmie a helmet?" I asked. He wasnt wearing a helmet either.

"Helmet hair? Gross." He said.

After about 7 minutes we arrived at school.

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