Chapter 11~

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Ariana's POV

"Let go to Nandos!" Zayn suggested.

"Sure..I really don't care. I just want food" I said while patting my tummy.

"You sound like my friend Niall, he has an obsession with food!" Zayn said as we got into the car.

"Woah, he must be fat!" I said imagining a fat guy eating food.

I held my hand over my mouth after I realised what I just said. Oops.

Zayn notice and chuckled at me "Well actually he is very slim, I dont know how he can maintain a good body when he eats like a cow..."

That made me burst out into laughter.

"I really need to meet this friend of yours!" I laughed harder.

"woah, you met me a week ago and you already want to meet people I know? Don't you think we're taking this too fast??!" Zayn joked.

"Oh shut up!" I said as we walked into Nandos.

We waited online for our turn to order.

Finally, after 5 minutes the cute waitor yelled "Next on line!"

"Finalllyyyyy" I yelled

"Its been five minutes..calm down" Zayn smirked.

"Yes, 5 minutes! 300 seconds! who can wait that long?!" I asked

"Obviously not you..." Zayn mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I hit him in the arm "Hey!"

"Excuse me, what would you like?" The waitor asked me.

But...Zayn answered. Sigh...

"2 orders of peri peri chicken." Zayn said, shooting glares at the waitor.

"Comin right up" He replied.

"So....whats your name?" The waitor flirted in front of Zayn...

ooh, bad choice. But....i'd like to have some fun with this..Hahaha.


"Ooh Ariana, a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl.." He flirted again.

Zayn tensed up. "Yes, shes beautiful we get it. Now shut your face before I shut it for you!" He lost his temper.

I just chuckles and elbowed Zayn a little for him to get my attention.

"Shhh. Just watch." I whispered.

"Uh, just ignore him, whatta loser" I said faking everything.

That made Zayn chuckle.

"Haha, heres your chicken beautiful." He said.

"And heres my number" He placed a paper in my hand.

"Uh, no thanks i've got my own!" I laughed at him and Zayn burstes out laughing as well.

"And you should really learn how to flirt hun, cause that really sucked!" I blew him a kiss and walked away.

"Nice job!" Zayn high fived me.

"Haha thanks, but i wasnt too mean was I? I asked, guiltily.

"Do you know who youre asking?" Zayn asked, impliying that he was mean.

"aw, Zayn youre not mean. You just pretend to be a bad boy just to hide your sensative side!" I laughed and poked his cheek.

"I am a bad boy" Zayn pouted.

"Sure..." I said, sarcastically as we sat somewhere.

"So cupcake, why'd you move away from America?" Zayn asked.

I gulped, not ready to explain..

He stared at me, waiting for an answer.

What should I say??



Cliffhanger!! I know this chapter was boring...Sorry. I promise the next one will be waaaaaayyyyyy better. Hopefully. Lol.





Much love :) x


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