Chapter 2

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I was balancing my tray, full of food, as I walked through the crowded canteen. My friend Liza was beside me, talking excitedly about the movie we planned to see that evening.

"I can't wait to see it," Liza said, her eyes bright with excitement. "The reviews are awesome!"

"I know, right? The special effects are supposed to be amazing," I replied, trying to keep up with her excitement and the busy room.

We were almost at an empty table when someone bumped into my shoulder. Before I knew it, my tray tipped, and my plate fell right onto a guy's feet.

The guy jumped back, his face angry as he looked down at the mess. "What the hell!" he yelled, his voice loud over the noise in the canteen. His friends at the table looked up, some of them laughing, others looking shocked.

My face turned red with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry," I said quickly, feeling terrible. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to-"

He cut me off, his eyes furious. "Sorry isn't good enough. Look at my shoes! Do you know how much these cost?"

Liza stepped forward, looking angry too. "It was an accident. Chill out. We were just talking about the new movie coming out tonight."

The guy ignored her and focused on me. "You can start by cleaning them right now." He stuck his foot out towards me, a mean look on his face. His friends murmured and snickered behind him.

I felt a lump in my throat. I crouched down with a napkin, but then I stopped. I looked up at him, feeling hurt and defiant.

"I said I was sorry," I said, my voice shaking but steady. "But I won't be treated like this. Clean them yourself." I dropped the napkin, stood up, and walked away with my head held high.

Liza looked at him, her eyes angry. "You didn't have to be such a jerk," she said before catching up with me.

As we left the canteen, Liza put an arm around my shoulders. "Forget about him. Let's just think about tonight. The movie's going to be great."

I nodded, managing a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. I can't let him ruin our night."

I could feel the guy watching us leave. His anger seemed to turn into confusion as people around us whispered. He looked down at his shoes, covered in my food, and I hoped he felt a little bit bad about how he acted.

One of his friends nudged him. "You know, Ryan, you were too harsh on her," he said, sounding uncomfortable. "It was just an accident."

Ryan's face softened slightly, and he glanced down at the mess again, looking a bit regretful. His friends' laughter died down, and some of them looked awkward, realizing that maybe things had gone too far.

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