Chapter 3

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Once we were out of the canteen, I felt super down. My heart was still racing from what happened, and I couldn't stop feeling embarrassed. Liza and I walked quietly for a bit, leaving the noisy canteen behind us.

"Ari, don't be bummed! That guy was like a grumpy bear. You're way cooler," Liza said, giving me a playful nudge.

I managed a small smile, liking her attempt to cheer me up. "Thanks, Liza. It's just... I can't believe that happened."

Liza threw her arm around me, her face lighting up. "Hey, look at it this way. At least it wasn't spaghetti sauce. Imagine him with red shoes! He'd be a walking tomato!"

I giggled at the thought. "Yeah, I guess it could've been worse."

"Exactly!" Liza said. "And now you've got a cool story to tell. 'Remember when I turned a guy's shoes into dinner?' It'll be famous!"

I laughed, feeling a bit better. "You always know how to make me smile, Liza."

"That's what friends are for, right?" she said with a wink. "Now, let's forget this drama and think about the good stuff-like which snacks we're sneaking into the movie tonight!"

I smiled at her. "Popcorn or candy?"

"Both!" Liza declared. "We're going all out tonight. No holding back!"

As we talked about our movie-snack plans, I started feeling lighter. With Liza around, even the most embarrassing moments felt okay. She was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Movie night :

Ari and Liza are all dressed up and ready to head out for a movie when they look at the clock and see they're running out of time.

Ari: "Uh-oh, it's almost bedtime. We won't make it to the theater before our hostel gate closes."

Liza sighs.

Liza: "I really wanted to see that movie on the big screen."

Ari: "Me too. But who says we can't have a movie night here?"

Liza's eyes light up.

Liza: "That's a great idea! We can make popcorn, grab some blankets, and watch a movie in our cozy room. And we can use your laptop!"

Ari smiles.

Ari: "Exactly! Plus, we'll have the room to ourselves. No one else bothering us."

Liza nods.

Liza: "Let's do it! I'll get some snacks from our stash, and you can set up our cozy movie corner in our room."

They quickly get everything ready and settle down to watch their movie on Ari's laptop, happy to have each other's company, even if they couldn't go to the theater.

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