Chapter 7

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The next morning, Ari gathers her belongings as she prepares to head back to her family home to spend time with her brother who unexpectedly returned from Japan. Liza watches her pack, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

(slightly somber)
So, you're leaving for a couple of days?

Ari nods, pausing to give her friend a reassuring smile.

Yeah, Jake's back, and I don't want to miss out on spending time with him. But I'll be back before you know it.

Liza manages a small smile, though there's a hint of longing in her expression.

I understand. Family comes first. Just promise me you'll bring back some stories from your time with Jake.

Of course, Liza. And don't worry, we'll catch up as soon as I'm back.

They share a warm hug, both reluctant to part ways even for a short time.

With a final wave to Liza, Ari gathers her things and heads out the door, excited to reunite with her brother but already looking forward to the day she can return to her friend's side.


Ari steps through the front door of her family home, her heart fluttering with excitement at the prospect of reuniting with her brother Jake. She finds him in the living room, unpacking his suitcase with a grin on his face.

Hey, little sis! Glad you made it home.

Ari rushes over to him, enveloping him in a tight hug.

Jake, I can't believe you're really here! I've missed you so much.

Jake returns the hug, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Missed you too, Ari. And guess what? I brought you some goodies from Japan.

Ari's eyes light up with excitement, eager to see what treasures her brother has brought back for her.

Really? What did you get?

Jake gestures to a pile of neatly wrapped packages on the coffee table.

Open them up and see for yourself.

Ari eagerly tears into the packages, revealing an assortment of unique souvenirs and gifts from Japan. Among them are traditional trinkets, delicious snacks, and a beautiful kimono.

Wow, Jake! These are amazing. Thank you so much.

Jake beams at her reaction, happy to have brought a smile to his sister's face.

But wait, there's more. I didn't forget about the clothes I got you.

Ari's eyes widen with anticipation as Jake hands her another package, this one containing the clothes he picked out for her.

I can't wait to see them!

With trembling hands, Ari carefully opens the package, revealing a stunning array of Japanese fashion. Each piece is more beautiful than the last, and Ari can't help but admire the craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Jake, these are incredible. I love them all!

Jake grins proudly, pleased to see how much his sister appreciates his thoughtful gifts.

Looks like I have good taste, huh?

Ari laughs, feeling grateful to have such a thoughtful brother who went out of his way to bring a piece of Japan back home for her. As they spend the rest of the afternoon catching up and enjoying each other's company, Ari can't help but feel immensely grateful for her brother's presence and the special bond they share..

As they are enjoying their meal, Ari's phone rings, the sound cutting through their cheerful conversation. Ari glances at the caller ID and sees it's Ryan. She decides to ignore it, putting the phone back down on the table.

(noting her action)
Aren't you going to answer that?

(shrugs, nonchalantly)
It's not important. Just a call from a friend.

Jake raises an eyebrow, intrigued.

A friend, huh? Someone from college?

If it's something urgent, you should take it, Ari.

(smiling, reassuringly)
It's fine, Mom. I'd rather enjoy this time with you all.

They continue eating, savoring the delicious food and the joy of being together. The ignored phone call is quickly forgotten in the warmth of family and home-cooked goodness.

So, Ari, any interesting stories from college? Maybe about this friend who's calling?

Ari laughs, her thoughts drifting back to the volleyball club and her friends.

Well, actually, there's a lot to tell. Like how we just joined the volleyball club and... well, there's this guy, Ryan...

Jake's eyebrows shoot up, and he leans in with a teasing grin.

Ah, so Ryan's the one calling. Why didn't you pick up?

It's nothing like that, Jake. He's just a friend from the club. We've had a few... interesting interactions.

It sounds like college life is keeping you busy and entertained.

Definitely. But enough about that. This food is amazing, Mom!

The family continues their meal, basking in the comfort of each other's company, with Ari feeling deeply content to be home.

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