all mine

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Layna's POV:

"AND SHE SCORES... again. beat that one buckets." i say proudly as i made a shot swiftly in from half court.

paige just slowly walks over to the half court line giving slow claps. "alright alright, i'll give recognition for that one. it was clean."

i just give her a huge grin, because she just boosted my ego even more after making that shot. it's a lot coming paige bueckers. i never get over her compliments.

"but i can do it just as easy." and without any preparation or hesitation she shoots her shot at the half court line and.... swoosh. it goes in. my mouth drops. i obviously know she's more than capable of making the shot but it never gets old watching her make amazing shots like that.

"i guess that's impressive." i say jokingly. "i've still made more shots than you though so still makes me better." now i'm just trying to get her riled up.

she makes a 'hm' sound as she gives a tight lip smile and a couple of nods. "i see how it is" she says in a defensive but clearly jokingly way.

she walks over to me and slightly towers over me. "you wanna say that again?" oh but this time it wasn't defensive, no. this was almost seductive. and it makes me take a gulp.

"what will happen if i do?" i ask not so innocently. gleaming up at her, watching her eyes darken.

"you'll find out if you say it again." she's biting her lower lip. looking down at me with clear lust in her eyes. she's tempting me. and i will, in fact, give in.

when i go to open my mouth, i am interrupted by not only a screaming kk but also a screaming nika. they are both screaming our names as they run up on the court at the park.

"we've been looking everywhere for yall." kk says almost out of breath as she bends over and places her hands on her knees. she's so dramatic.

"what's up?" paige asks as she backs up from just a tiny bit to close off the intimacy.

"we have a party to get ready for. the cheerleaders put together this party last minute before the basketball season officially starts next week, the whole team is going so let's go." nika says, she didn't stutter and she got straight to the point.

paige looks at me as if she's asking me with her eyes if i want to go or not. it almost looks like she's asking me not to go with just the look in her eyes, probably because we both know what was going to occur if they hadn't interrupted. she would've been taking me back to her room and having her way with me for sure.

i leave paige's gaze and turn to face nika and kk. "yeah it sounds like fun! we'll be there. just send us the location and we'll meet y'all there after we get ready!" i say enthusiastically. because it does sound fun. a party right before basketball season, right before our schedules get super crazy. it'll be nice to go out.

"great, i'll text yall the details!" nika says as she starts to job backwards and then turns to run forward, away from us and with kk following her lead.

"babeeee" paige says prolonging, really emphasizing the 'babe'.

i give her a small laugh and bring her in for a hug. "come on p, it'll be fun and i promise we will resume after the party okay?" i say looking up at her, making sure to give her my very persuasive doll eyes.

she lets out a sigh and that right there already lets me know she's giving in. i just give her a bright smile. "fine. but can we at least take a shower together?" she asks with hope in her voice.

"you wanna see me naked that bad?" i ask her.

i see her cheeks start to turn a little rosy. gosh she's so pretty. "welllll it has been a while." she says almost bashful.

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