Chapter 3 Being Attacked

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Elena salvatore drove into the employee underground parking lot of Mystic Falls Hospital, her mind preoccupied with the day's tasks. She parked her car and stepped out, glancing around. The usually bustling parking lot was eerily empty, save for one lone car parked at the far end. A sense of unease crept over her.

"Hello there, doppelgänger." A deep voice broke the silence behind her. She whirled around to see five people standing there-three women and two men. They all had striking red hair and piercing gray-green eyes, each wearing a peculiar necklace with a pendant shaped like an eye.

"Who are you?" Elena asked, her voice edged with caution. The air around her seemed to thicken with tension.

Instead of answering, they began chanting in low voices, "Somnum profundum tibi infero, quietem perpetuam invenias. Oculi tui graventur, corpus tuum requiescat, Usque ad auroram te somnus teneat. Somnum invoco, soporificus sit."

Elena felt her eyes grow heavy and her mind clouded with confusion. The world around her blurred, and she sank into unconsciousness, collapsing to the ground.

The red-haired witches exchanged glances, and one of the women stepped forward to lift Elena. Suddenly, Elena's eyes snapped open. They were pitch black, with veins pulsing around them, and her teeth had elongated into sharp fangs. Her skin tightened, smoothing out any traces of age, and her hair regained the luster and volume of her youth. She looked like she was eighteen again.

"Oh my God!" the remaining four witches gasped in unison.

With supernatural speed, Elena lunged at one of the witches, pinning him to the ground and tearing into his throat. Blood sprayed across her face as she drained him. Without hesitation, she pounced on another witch, repeating the grisly act.

The remaining witches quickly recited, "Ignis vinculum, captivum tene!"

Flaming chains sprouted around Elena, attempting to bind her, but they vanished the moment they touched her. Elena moved with blinding speed, driving her hand through the chest of another red-haired witch, flinging his body aside. She then attacked the fourth witch, piercing his heart as well.

Elena turned to the last standing witch, her eyes blazing with fury. "Who are you? Why are you trying to capture me?"

The witch, panic-stricken, pulled out a hidden dagger and plunged it into his own chest. Elena stared, momentarily stunned by his unexpected action.

As the last witch crumpled to the ground, Elena stood alone in the blood-stained parking lot, surrounded by bodies. She knew this was only the beginning.

Note: In my novel, Elena and Damon after turning back into humans, Bonnie uses magic to allow them to transform back into vampires at any time. When Elena and Damon turn back into vampires, their bodies become younger. Additionally, Elena and Damon can enter houses uninvited in their human state. However, if they turn into vampires inside a house without being invited, they immediately feel intense pain.

Note: In my novel, each vampire and werewolf has their own basic skills and special abilities. For example, Elena's special ability is to make herself immune to all magic, energy, and powerful mental control, but the weakness is that she needs to activate it herself. Damon's special ability is to control birds; he can also possess birds and turn into a crow. The weakness is that when he possesses a bird, his original body falls into a coma, making him vulnerable to attacks, unable to defend himself. When he turns into a crow, he's just an ordinary crow with no superpowers.

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