Chapter 1

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oops i guess cam will be in the second chapter, enjoy :)


"Remember to text me everyday and Skype me when you get the chance." I said as I pulled Heather into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I will, I promise. And I'm gonna miss you so much more." Heather replied as we walked together to the security line where I soon had to watch her leave me alone here in Seattle.

Heather is my bestfriend. Or she was. I haven't talked to her in over three years. I was just thinking about when I came with her to the airport to say goodbye as her and her family were moving away to San Francisco, four years ago.

That was the last time I had been to the airport, and I'm here again today. But this time I was the one leaving, and my mom was the one saying goodbye.

My mom hugged me as she said, "Okay baby, text me when you land and text me as often as you can let me know how you're doing." We pulled away from each other.

"Okay mom, I'll miss you." I said and she wiped the tear from my cheek and smiled as I pulled out my phone to check the time. "Well, my flight is at 7:30 and it's already 7:15, I guess I better go."

She walked me to security and hugged me one last time. "Bye Layla, have fun on your trip! Remember, text me when you land. I love you!" She shouted out to me from behind the railing because I was already in line to go through the security.

"Love you too mom. I'll see you soon." I smiled and waved at her. I watched her walk away and she disappeared in the crowds of people standing around saying their goodbyes too.

It was the first day of summer and I had to wake up early for my flight to California. I'd been saving up money for this trip since I had gotten my first job when I turned 16. I'm only 17 now but my mom has always trusted me to do my own thing. Her and my dad split up when I was young and he was never really around. She's always working late and is hardly home during the day, so I asked her if it would be okay for me to take a vacation all summer until senior year starts. Of course she agreed because here I am, on my own getting on a plane to LA. She's always been really supportive and open to new ideas with me.

Once I reached the gate they were already boarding for flight 117 to Los Angeles. I was a little late but I made it. I showed the lady my boarding ticket and got on the plane. This was finally happening, I was so excited to be on my own, it would be a good and fun experience. Hopefully I can make some friends so I won't be lonely all summer.

There were no assigned seats on this flight so I took a window seat towards the back of the plane. The flight attendant called out that the plane was taking off, so I stuck my carry on backpack under the seat in front of me. Thankfully nobody sat next to me, this way I could be more comfortable and have more space. I'm surprised there wasn't that many people on this flight, I figured there would be more. I thought lots of people would come to LA right away for summer.

The plane took off and I grabbed my hoodie from my backpack and rolled it up to use as a pillow. I leaned my head against the window and quickly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up due to the loud plane noises and wind as we started to land. I took my backpack and made my way to the front of the plane.

As soon as I walked out, I walked straight to the baggage claim. After a good 20 minutes of waiting for my luggage, I grabbed mine and dragged it outside to the pick-up area. I called out for a cab and started to make my way to my hotel.

As we were driving down the busy streets I couldn't help but smile. I've always wanted to visit California, and here I was, living in LA. For a while. I couldn't wait for my summer to begin and see what was in store for me.

I checked the time. It was still early, around 11am. It was a fairly short flight, coming from Seattle where I live was only about three hours to get to Los Angeles. While I had my phone in my hands I forgot that I had to text my mom that I landed.

to mama:
hey i just got here in LA & im on my way to the hotel rn :))

from mama:
okay baby have a good trip.. be safe.. text me and keep me updated

I locked my phone as the cab pulled into the unloading area of the hotel. The driver opened my door for me and helped get my bags out of the trunk of the car. I paid the man and we went our separate ways.

I went to the front desk, checked in, got my keys, and dragged my luggage into the elevator. I got to room 308 on the third floor and once I got inside I dropped all my bags and plopped on the bed. It was like heaven. It's only been a couple hours since I left home and I slept the whole plane ride here, but I just wanted to rest.


kinda boring first chapter but next chapter will be better when the boys are introduced :-)))

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