Chapter 2

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I woke up for the third time today. It was already 2. I think by now I've had enough sleep so I decided to get out and just walk around the city. I turned my music on and started straightening my hair.

I put on a white crop top and a floral high waisted skirt that went down to my knees, and put on my white keds. I grabbed my jean jacket and left the room. I don't know why I took the jacket anyways, it's not like I'll need it. It was a nice day out, I guess I'll just carry it around in case I go somewhere that's cool inside.

I walked up and down the streets watching couples sight-seeing together, or family tourists. Other locals just making their way around the city their already used to. It made me kind of happy seeing everyone else enjoying their day. It made me feel kind of lonely, but I've only been here for a couple hours, so I can't really complain.

It was nearly five when I realized how hungry I was. I'd been sleeping all day I forgot I hadn't eaten. All I do is sleep and eat pretty much, how could I have forgotten to eat? I walked around a little bit more until I found a semi-fancy Italian restaurant called Zio's. I put on my jean jacket and went inside.

I sat my self down and waited for someone to come take my order as I looked on Twitter.

"Hello ma'am."

The waiter scared me, I was too focused on my phone. I put it down and looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm Gavin, your waiter for tonight. Do you know what you want to drink? Or are you waiting for someone?" He said calmly.

"Oh no, I'm here alone." I admitted.

"What's a pretty young lady like you doing alone in a place like this?" Gavin asked.

"I just moved here for the summer so I don't really know anybody yet." I replied. "And I'll just take water, please."

"Sure." He smiled and walked away.

I was trying to focus on the menu to decide what I wanted to order but I kept getting distracted by these guys sitting two tables away from me. The two of them were laughing really loud and messing around with each other and were posting all these things on Snapchat from what I could see.

I could only make out the face of one of them, since the other had his back towards me, all I could see of that one was that his hair was a little longer. They guy facing me had shorter, messier, light brown hair and light brown eyes. He was laughing and smiling a lot and his teeth were perfect.

As I decided on the chicken alfredo meal, I kept looking up and accidentally made eye contact with the boy with perfect teeth. He grinned at me and I looked down as quickly as I could. Soon after I peeked back up trying to be secretive about it. I saw him nod his head towards me as he talked to his friend, and he turned his head around as they both looked at me. This time the boy with perfect teeth blushed and looked away, not expecting me to be looking. I could finally see the other boy's face, he had his long hair tucked behind his ears and he had amazing blue eyes that I could see from where I was sitting. He laughed and turned around.

It was kind of funny what we were doing, just making constant eye contact and shyly looking away.


Towards the end of my meal, I started to notice security workers making their way to the front of the restaurant where there was a large and very loud group of teenage girls. Maybe my age or younger, I don't know.

I saw the two boys sitting in front of me arguing and I was trying to over hear their conversation while everyone else in the room was focusing on all the girls being held back at the doors.

"Shit, sorry Cameron." Said the blue eyed one. "I didn't think anyone would know which Zio's we were at when I posted it on Snapchat."

Cameron. I guess the one that kept making eye contact with me and the one with perfect teeth was Cameron. That's cute, it fits him well.

"Bro, there's only like one Zio's in LA." Cameron said. Were all these girls here for them? Are they some kind of celebrities? I've never seen them before.

"Oh yeah. You don't like meeting your fans or what?" Asked the blue eyed one.

"Of course I do, Nash. I just thought we should go out kind of secretly tonight, yanno a guys night I guess." Cameron said. The boy with the pretty eyes was Nash. And I guess these girls are here for them. "Maybe we should go outside now so the workers here don't have to worry or anything."

They stood up from their table at the same time I did, after I paid and left a tip. They walked outside the doors before me, and the girls immediately started crowding around them and pulling out their phones to take pictures. I felt kind of bad for them, but I guess they didn't mind. Whoever they are, I bet it's like that all the time for them.

I pushed past the crowd through the front doors and finally stepped outside. I accidentally bumped into one of the boys in the chaos, but I couldn't tell which one of them it was because it was dark out now.

He turned around, and Cameron and I were standing face to face. I felt a comforting silence between us while we stood with our eyes connected even though it was anything but silent in this area. Our gaze was quickly broken as the girls were making their way back around him.

I walked the opposite way and from the corner of my eye I could still see him staring at me as I left.


It's kind of a slow start but it was kind of just an introduction of the main characters sooo hopefully there's more going on in the next chapters. :)

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