Chapter 4

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I woke up way earlier then usual because I forgot to close the curtains from the window last night. The sun was shining directly on my face and I wanted to keep sleeping but I was too lazy to get up and close the curtains.

I was so tired last night, as soon as I got in the room I got into bed without even putting on my pajamas. I rolled over across the bed while stretching and I checked the clock on the nightstand. I yawned while checking the time. It was 6:22am. Too early.

After several minutes of just laying in bed staring at the ceiling, I finally decided that I would get up. I walked to the window and tried to look outside and admire the city but I couldn't. I immediately shielded my eyes from the sun and quickly closed the curtains to make this pain stop. It was way to bright for me right now.

I grabbed my phone and turned on my music and grabbed some clothes to change into after my shower. I rummaged through both of my luggages and grabbed some high waisted blue jean shorts, a baseball tee with a white center and black sleeves, and I would pair that with my white high top converse. I wish I could hang up my clothes in the closest because it's such a hassle digging through my luggage for them, but that's just me being lazy. I'm only going to be staying here for a couple of days so I'll just have to deal with it.

The plan for today was to go out and look for apartments and play the rest of the day by ear. I can't wait to have my own place already.

I thought showering would help wake me up, but it obviously didn't because here I am, putting my clothes on half asleep. I got like 10 hours of sleep.. I don't know why I don't feel like I slept enough.

I finished getting dressed but I left my shoes off so I could get right back into bed. It was so much warmer and comfortable under the covers. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and started scrolling though my social media feeds. There was nothing really to look at because it was still too early in the morning, and nobody was awake yet. I didn't mean to fall back asleep, but while I was focused on my phone, I guess I did.


I woke up once again but this time it was 11am. I got out of bed and started doing my makeup. I put on very little, but still enough to make a difference. Some mascara and winged eyeliner. I stumbled putting on my shoes as I walked over to the chair by the desk to grab my bag. I started out the door to begin my day.

I stepped in the elevator with a couple other people and I was just awkwardly standing there in silence along with everybody else. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone. I unlocked it and the first thing i did was stare at Cameron's contact information. I already desperately wanted to text him but I knew I shouldn't. I mean.. maybe I should? Maybe he was waiting for a text from me. I want to text him so bad but I don't want to come off as annoying already, since we barely met yesterday. Maybe he feels the same way. Wanting to talk to me but not wanting to text me first. Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated? I guess I'll just wait for a little bit until I decide to text him, unless he texts me first.. and I really hope he does. It would make this situation so much easier for me.

Fortunately, I had time back at home to look up some apartments in this area so I wouldn't be completely stressed on trying to find one when I arrived here. I narrowed my choices down to two different ones. I couldn't remember the names of the two but I had the addresses written down in my notes on my phone. I decided to take the bus since it would've been quite a walk if I tried to get there by foot.


After hours of looking at the apartments and discussing prices and what not, I chose the second apartment I looked at. Both were affordable but this one was a little bit more for monthly pay, but I didn't mind. I fell in love with this apartment. It was chill and modern looking. It had two bedrooms that were next to each other in the small hallway. They were both the same size and they weren't too big but it was very roomy, and the bedroom I would chose to sleep in had a walk in closet. That's a plus. Neither of the rooms had a door, just a sheer curtain in the door frame. I liked that, it made me feel more comfy. Across from the room was the bathroom. Down the little hallway was the living room area and connected to it was the bar and kitchen. All the walls in the apartment were painted a warm grey color, and any furniture that came in it was a soft off-white color. It was very calm and relaxing and that is exactly what I wanted. It was small but it was a good size for me.

I went downstairs and signed the paperwork and the apartment was now mine. Well, for three months it was mine. I'll checkout from the hotel tomorrow morning and move in to my new home tomorrow as well.

I walked out of the apartment complex and made my way back to the bus stop. The bus pulled up beside me and I stepped on as I put inserted my dollar and ten cents. I took a seat towards the back. I sat down and pulled out my phone and started thinking about Cameron again. He did ask me if I would text him and I did say I would.. so he's probably waiting for me to text him first. Maybe I should just do it. I opened up a new message and sent it right away so I wouldn't have any second thoughts and stop myself.

to cameron :-):
heyy (:

Before I could even start to mentally freak out about what I just did, I was distracted by a familiar voice behind me.

"Excuse me, I dropped my wallet and its under your seat, can you get that for me please? Thanks." The voice said as I was tapped on the shoulder.

Oh my god. My hands flew up to my face and I quickly covered my mouth in shock. "Oh my god!!" I said this time aloud and I practically flew around in my seat to face the girl sitting behind me on this bus. Once I turned around and she saw my face she also quickly covered her mouth in shock.

"Layla?!" She shouted excitedly. I reached over my seat and she did the same and we hugged so tightly I could hardly breathe, but that might just be because of this surprise. Everybody on the bus watch staring at us confused, but I didn't care and neither did she.

I rested my head on her shoulder as we continued awkwardly hugging in the bus, "I missed you so much Heather."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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