Chapter 3

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Sanemi POV
Warnings: Swearing

I make my way down the school hallway trying to find Kanae. I just finished my first class with Obanai, and now I wanted to take the break till next class to talk to her. As I turn around a corner, I see her standing in front of her locker, probably getting school stuff for the next class she has. Now was the time. I thought about what I could say in my last lesson. We didn't do anything special so I took the time to make up my mind. I can do this! You freaking got it.

KK- Kanae Kocho
SS- Sanemi Shinazugawa

SS- Heyyy, Kanae how you doing
KK- Sanemi? I'm doing good I guess. Is there something you need?
SS- What, no, what do you mean, I just wanted to say Hi.............................................................. Can I please talk to you for a moment. I promise I will make it fast, just for one moment, please.
KK- If this is about the breakup from last week, Sanemi, I swear.
SS- I know myself how stupid it is of me to come talk to you after a week, and I also know that I was an a**hole but please. I promise I won't do it again. I changed...for you.
KK- Changed? Over a week? Sanemi, I don't want to be mean or anything but please, be realistic. You're never gonna change. Your aggressive being will always be inside if you, and I can't deal with it. We just don't work out. I'm sorry.
SS- don't mean that, do you...? You really think I CANT FREAKING CHANGE FOR YOU, HUH!?!?
KK-...See, you can not. I really hope for you that there is someone in this world that can deal with you aggression and help you..., but it is not me. I wish you luck in finding someone, but please do me a favor and move on. I don't want to continue this conversation, so have a good day.
SS- Wait Kanae no, I...I didn't mean to...ARHG F*CK YOU USELESS F*CKER.

Kanae had already left. She just turned the next corner. Is it really gonna end like this? Am I gonna stay alone for the rest of my life because I somehow always manage to scare everyone away with my aggressive behavior? Maybe I should give up. Following Kanae around like a dog won't get me anywhere..., the question is if I can get over Kanae just as quickly, as she got over me. I know myself that the past months weren't going good, but I just didn't wanted it to be true. I don't want to end up alone. Honestly I'm scared of that. I know that I don't seem like a guy to be scared of ending up alone but what can I do. Better end up alone than making the person you love sad because they don't want to be with you. When you really love someone you know what's best for them, and if it's that I have to leave them alone than I will do that.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow. Dragging my feet from class to class I just realize how much I need these god freaking holidays. Everybody was talking about their final exam grades, through I couldn't care less. As I make my way out of the school building to get home as fast as possible, I got stopped by my math teacher. Tf does he want?! I didn't mess up in any of my grades, so I really don't understand why he would now come to talk to me...

Time skip to after the conversation

You gotta be kidding. There ain't now way he wants me to do that shit. I really thought I could take my holidays to relax, and now he comes with this shit!?

I'm sitting on my bus home, replaying the conversation I had with my teacher in my head over and over. Why god, why me, why not anyone else?? My mood was already down the whole day and that conversation didn't add onto it great. I just already know the next semester I gonna be fantastic. Now I not only have to focus on school but also on some F*CKER WHO CANT DO MATH!!!...Calm down Sanemi...remember what Kanae said, let's just stay positive.......................................NO NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO STAY POSSITIVE, TF IS THIS SH*T, AAAAAAAAHHHHH.
Otta: Finished with this chapter. Fantastic. The next chapter is gonna start with a time skip after the holidays. Hope that doesn't bug you to much.

Charlie: Yay, Chapter three! ✨ Not me trying to correct and adding things while trying to get ready for a party 🥲

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