unseen bones

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**Chapter 2: Unseen Bones**

Mahira's heart still raced from the attack in the park as she and Ayush returned to his penthouse. The sleek, modern apartment was a stark contrast to the dark shadows of the night, offering a sense of safety and normalcy. Ayush’s security team was already on high alert, checking the premises and installing additional measures to ensure their safety.

"You're sure you're okay?" Ayush asked for the fifth time as they entered the living room. He gently cupped her face, his eyes searching hers for any sign of lingering fear.

Mahira nodded, trying to reassure him. "Haan, Ayush, main theek hoon. It's just... all this is so new to me."

Ayush sighed, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I never wanted to drag you into my world. But now that you're here, I won't let anything happen to you. Tum meri zindagi ho, Mahira."

She looked up at him, her heart swelling with emotion. "And you're mine, Ayush. We'll face this together."

They stood there for a moment, lost in each other’s gaze, until the sound of Ayush’s phone vibrating broke the silence. He glanced at the screen, his expression darkening. "I need to take this," he said, kissing her forehead. "Stay here, okay?"

Mahira watched as he walked away, his posture tense. She couldn't hear much of the conversation, but Ayush's tone was clipped, his words sharp. She knew he was doing everything he could to protect her, but the sense of foreboding lingered.


The next morning, Mahira woke up to the smell of coffee and the sound of soft music playing. She found Ayush in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. The sight of him, so at ease in his home, brought a smile to her face.

"Good morning," she greeted, walking over to him.

"Good morning," he replied, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "I thought you could use a nice breakfast after last night."

She chuckled, appreciating the gesture. "I could definitely get used to this."

As they sat down to eat, Ayush’s phone buzzed again. This time, it was a message from Arpit. Ayush frowned as he read it, then handed the phone to Mahira.

"Arpit wants to meet us for lunch," he said. "He says it's urgent."

Mahira's stomach knotted with worry. "Do you think he knows about us?"

Ayush shrugged, but his expression was serious. "I don't know. But we need to be prepared for anything."


They met Arpit at a quiet, upscale restaurant in the heart of Mumbai. Arpit was already seated at a corner table, his expression unreadable as he watched them approach.

"Arpit, kya baat hai?" Mahira asked, trying to keep her tone light.

Arpit glanced between Mahira and Ayush, his eyes narrowing slightly. "We need to talk," he said, his voice firm.

They sat down, and Mahira could feel the tension in the air. Arpit looked directly at Ayush, his gaze intense.

"Ayush, we've been friends for a long time. I trust you more than anyone else. But there's something going on, isn't there? Something you're not telling me."

Ayush took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Arpit’s. "There is. But before we get into that, there's something else I need to tell you."

Arpit's eyes flicked to Mahira, then back to Ayush. "What is it?"

Ayush reached for Mahira's hand, squeezing it gently. "Mahira and I... we're together."

For a moment, there was silence. Then Arpit's expression hardened. "Together? Since when?"

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