Chapter 1; Begining of a situationship

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2012, february 8th.

Rowan:" Awhh..No one to protect you dear Cyru? It just proves that no one likes you. " Rowan said as he groups chuckles behind him. Cyru glanced at Rowan.

Cyru:" Shut it! Someone will care for me. Just wait for it, even if no one will care for me; karma will still go for you Rowan!" Cyru said, he was on the verge of tears. He didn't wanna seemed weak infront of his so-called rival.

Rowan:" Could you explain to me what karma? No karma will go against me dumbass. " Rowan then knelt down to the ground. " Listen here Cyru. No one will care for someone like you. I mean who would? You're stupid anyway.." Rowan stopped and looks at Cyru. " Awh.. What's this? A toy?" Rowan said.

Cyru:" No!-.." Cyru said whilst Rowan grabbed the toy from Cyru's hand. Rowan threw it on the ground.

Rowan:" oh..Oops." Rowan said, as he rolls his eyes. After that, Rowan and his group soon left Cyru in despair. Cyru broked down in tears.

He was really mad of Rowan, he couldn't let that slide. Why would anyone let that slide? Cyru grabs the broken parts of his toy then threw it into the trash can. whilst saying something that he swore to come for Rowan.

Cyru "Karma will go for you Rowan, mark my words." Cyru murmured under his breath. He swored that karma will go for him in the future. But not at this time..

Both Cyru and Rowan were enemies at such a young age. They were both 10, Rowan was older than Cyru by a few months. They would fight and argue over little or big things in life. Cyru wanted was peace among the both of them. But Rowan thinks there wasn't any peace in this relationship. All there were was arguments, fights, and yelling. No mercy, remorse, kindness, nor respect was found within them. Although they're young, they know that peace were never an option in their situationship..

This all started when Rowan and his friends were at the school's playground. Cyru was there, playing in the sand box. All by himself. Rowan wanted to play in the sand box with his friends. But Cyru refused to leave. But instead, he just invited them to play with him. He wanted to share the sand box with them. But Rowan didn't like the idea.

2011, april 16

Cyru:" C'mon let's just share. You'll get that side, and I'll have this side. Deal? " Cyru said, offering the opposite side.

Rowan:" No, we want this sand box to be ours. We don't want some peasant to be getting 50% of it. " Rowan said, he didn't want to share the sand box with Cyru. " Leave, go play somewhere else. " Rowan added.

Cyru:" But i like it here.. " Cyru said, a bit saddened by Rowan's words.

Rowan:" You're either gonna leave, unharmed or we'll make you leave with a ton of scratches and scars! " Rowan said, threatening Cyru. If he doesn't leave he says, he'll harm him.

Cyru:" Fine! Greedy much. " Cyru said, a bit mad and sad at the same time. He picks up his toys.

Rowan:" Sorry? Greedy? You literally have 60% of the sand box you stupid! " Rowan said out of anger. The fact Cyru said that he's "greedy" made him upset.

Cyru:" I offered the other side for you and your friend to play at! How is that greedy?! " Cyru said, he was losing his cool each second.

Rowan:" Just leave kid. No one wants to see you, most especially because of your face. " Rowan said to Cyru. Cyru then leaves and goes to another place to play.

Ever since then, Rowan didn't like Cyru, mostly because of his attitude and not following his demands. Though it was a stupid reason to create all this fuss with someone you barely know. But Rowan didn't care, he wanted everyone to follow his demands and rules..But you can't blame them, they're just kids after all. Maybe in the future they'll change..(?)

Rowan was a popular kid at their school. He's popular because he's "cool looking", "rich", and other associated description that fits Rowan, Rowan is also popular in social media back then. Cyru was just an ordinary kid at the school, he has a few friends, but at least he has some that he can rely on.




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